data61 / GS1Combinators

A library to parse the GS1 Events into Haskell data types
Apache License 2.0
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GS1 Combinator Library

A library to parse the GS1 Events into Haskell data types.


View the Haskell API documentation here

Alternatively, the documentation can be generated locally using the following command


and then viewing docs/index.html in a browser.

Getting Started


Download and install the Haskell build tool, stack, and run

stack build

Running Tests

You must always remember to build before testing, since the automatic building before the test building has been removed.

This is automated in


To perform a clean beforehand, use the -c option

./ -c

To clean, run stack clean

To build, run stack build

To test, run stack test

To parse an XML file, run stack exec Parser-exe -- /path/to/XML/file

More than one file can be parsed at a time. Just append to the arguments.

To check the validity/expected output of the parsing of an XML file in terms of GS1 vocabulary, use this tool. You may be asked to create an account.

GS1 Standards

The following standards and documents have been consulted while developing this library: