databasically / kcruby

The KC Ruby Group
2 stars 4 forks source link

The KC Ruby Group website.

A pretty, consolidated wrapper for a Meet-up event feed, a twitter list, and a vimeo video channel.

Local Setup

This website runs on:

  1. Ruby 1.9.3
  2. Rails 3.0.9

To install Ruby, first install RVM ( Currently, the command you'll need to run is

\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby

You may have to open a new bash window after installation.

With RVM, you can now easily download and install different rubies -- including ol' 1.9.3. Install RVM 1.9.3 with:

rvm install 1.9.3

Now clone (or your own fork) into a directory with:

git clone
cd kcruby

Now run the bundle install command to get all of the gems that this project needs.

bundle install

Almost there! This project requires a database, and it uses Twitter for authorization. Ignore Twitter for now, and just set up the database/project with:

cp config/omniauth.yml.example config/omniauth.yml
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
bundle exec rake db:setup

And now you should be ready to go. Let's start up your app with:

bundle exec rails server

Vagrant setup

Vagrant is not required to run this site, but it can be helpful!



librarian-chef install
vagrant up
vagrant provision
vagrant ssh
rails server