databricks / spark-deep-learning

Deep Learning Pipelines for Apache Spark
Apache License 2.0
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Deep Learning Pipelines for Apache Spark

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The repo only contains HorovodRunner code for local CI and API docs. To use HorovodRunner for distributed training, please use Databricks Runtime for Machine Learning, Visit databricks doc HorovodRunner: distributed deep learning with Horovod for details.

To use the previous release that contains Spark Deep Learning Pipelines API, please go to Spark Packages page.

API Documentation

class sparkdl.HorovodRunner(*, np, driver_log_verbosity='all')

Bases: object

HorovodRunner runs distributed deep learning training jobs using Horovod.

On Databricks Runtime 5.0 ML and above, it launches the Horovod job as a distributed Spark job. It makes running Horovod easy on Databricks by managing the cluster setup and integrating with Spark. Check out Databricks documentation to view end-to-end examples and performance tuning tips.

The open-source version only runs the job locally inside the same Python process, which is for local development only.

NOTE: Horovod is a distributed training framework developed by Uber.

run(main, **kwargs)

Runs a Horovod training job invoking main(**kwargs).

The open-source version only invokes main(**kwargs) inside the same Python process. On Databricks Runtime 5.0 ML and above, it will launch the Horovod job based on the documented behavior of np. Both the main function and the keyword arguments are serialized using cloudpickle and distributed to cluster workers.


Visit Github Release Page to check the release notes.
