datafoodconsortium / data-model-uml

UML model of the DFC ontology.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Data Food Consortium UML data model

This repository contains the DFC UML model representing the DFC ontology. A model is more precise than an ontology. When implemented, it allows an application to use the concepts defined in the corresponding ontology.

This data model could be used to generate source code from. That's what we do with our connector.

To edit these .uml files you can use Eclipse with the Eclipse Modeling Tools plugin. It provides a graphical interface to edit objects and properties.


The model is divided into several files containing concepts:

UML profile

One UML profile is defined in the connector.profile.uml file.

The following stereotypes are defined:

Stereotype Description
property Defines a class property.
propertyMultiple Defines a list of class properties.
constructor Allow to mark a method as contructor.
initializer Used to bind a constructor parameter to its corresponding class property.
initializerParent Used to bind a constructor parameter to a property in the super class.
getter Used to mark a method as a getter.
setter Used to mark a method as a setter.
adder Used to mark a method as an adder (able to add some object).
remover Used to mark a method as a remover (able to remove some object).
external Used to mark external package (deprecated).
semantic Used to map classes and properties to their corresponding URI.
blankNode Used to mark a class as a blank node.

Ontology concepts currently supported

Please refer to the document.

Rules for adding a new interface

To be writen.

Rules for adding a new class

To be writen.


Stereotypes from an applied profile are missing

Open the broken UML file in a text editor.

Ensure that the whole file content is wrapped with an <xmi></xmi> tag like:

<xmi:XMI xmi:version="20131001" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:datafoodconsortium_connector="" xmlns:ecore="" xmlns:uml="" xsi:schemaLocation=" connector.profile.uml#_3OuvQK70Ee2D9pavmCI82g">
    <uml:Package xmi:id="_XGqrsNwDEeyr_asPBQgiSQ" name="org.datafoodconsortium.connector.product" URI="">
        The content...

The UML file must contain a <ProfileApplication></ProfileAppication> section just before closing the </uml:Package> tag like:

<profileApplication xmi:id="_ZaCIsK76Ee27bvIjdr5biQ">
      <eAnnotations xmi:id="_ZaEk8K76Ee27bvIjdr5biQ" source="">
        <references xmi:type="ecore:EPackage" href=""/>
      <appliedProfile href=""/>

The applied stereotypes must be found between the closing tag </uml:Package> and the closing tag </xmi> like:

<datafoodconsortium_connector:getter xmi:id="_GW3yUNxrEeyr_asPBQgiSQ" base_Operation="_EKMr8NxWEeyr_asPBQgiSQ"/>

You will need the profile id and the profile ecore:EPackage id. To find them, open the UML profile file in a text editor:

<uml:Profile xmi:version="20131001" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:ecore="" xmlns:uml="" xmi:id="_xSn38NtjEeyHhf8rtkVHoQ" name="datafoodconsortium_connector" URI="" metaclassReference="_xSn4D9tjEeyHhf8rtkVHoQ _xSn4ENtjEeyHhf8rtkVHoQ _d-HW8NxLEeyr_asPBQgiSQ _hrrqAN2tEeyvAvnuL8ASsQ _ASxCoN5fEeyYcZ-IGE__4Q _YWlAMOA8Eeyy8cy9J23hHA">
<contents xmi:type="ecore:EPackage" xmi:id="_3OuvQK70Ee2D9pavmCI82g" name="datafoodconsortium_connector" nsURI="" nsPrefix="datafoodconsortium_connector">

You must ensure that in your broken UML file:

<xmi ... xsi:schemaLocation=" connector.profile.uml#_3OuvQK70Ee2D9pavmCI82g">
<eAnnotations xmi:id="_ZaEk8K76Ee27bvIjdr5biQ" source="">
    <references xmi:type="ecore:EPackage" href=""/>
<appliedProfile href=""/>