dataforgoodfr / CarbonBombs

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425 fossil fuel projects around the world will generate more that 1 gigatonne of CO2 emissions during their lifetime. proposed a representation of those CarbonBombs and their link between Banks and Company that operate them. This repository contains all informations needed to reproduce the data used on

Acronym used in this repository

Data sources

Input data

Files located in data_sources folder consitute the source data associated to the construction of our database :

Output data

The files located in the "data_cleaned" folder constitute the database we use to construct the visualization tool available at The following files are included:

The 'img' folder stores all images, in particular:

Install and generate data

To install use this command:

pip install -e .

Then you can generate dataset using this command:

python scripts/

Code Documentation

Code documentation has been generated using Sphinx Library. To consult it, you can enter following command in your terminal :
open ./docs/_build/html/index.html
It will open documentation locally into your Web Browser.

Precautions when manipulating our data

In this repository, our goal was to reconcile different data sources to establish a more comprehensive view of the organization around the exploitation of these carbon bombs. Some precautions regarding our data manipulation process are detailed below :

Others details on our work

Manual matching to map a CB to a Unit or Mine

In the Manual matching file, for macthGEMCoal and macthGEMGasoil each line correspond to a CB and a unit or mine name. The name must be a valid name in GEM datasets. Then it follows this process: