datafruits / streampusher-api

api backend for streampusher
10 stars 6 forks source link

Streampusher API

Build Status

dev environment

system dependencies:

You can use docker machine on windows/osx.

You probably want to add your user to the docker group if you haven't already:

$ sudo usermod -aG docker myuser

Run streampusher with docker

run script/setup to install gems and create database

$ ./script/setup

run app with docker-compose

$ ./script/app

You may have to build the streampusher/streampusher container to get the correct docker group ID from your host machine.

docker build \ 
  --build-arg DOCKER_GROUP_ID=`getent group docker | \ 
  cut -d: -f3` -t streampusher/streampusher:latest .