datafusion-contrib / datafusion-functions-json

JSON / JSONB support for DataFusion (unofficial)
Apache License 2.0
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Note: This is not an official Apache Software Foundation release, see datafusion-contrib/datafusion-functions-json#5.

This crate provides a set of functions for querying JSON strings in DataFusion. The functions are implemented as scalar functions that can be used in SQL queries.

To use these functions, you'll just need to call:

datafusion_functions_json::register_all(&mut ctx)?;

To register the below JSON functions in your SessionContext.


Cast expressions with json_get are rewritten to the appropriate method, e.g.

select * from foo where json_get(attributes, 'bar')::string='ham'

Will be rewritten to:

select * from foo where json_get_str(attributes, 'bar')='ham'

TODO (maybe, if they're actually useful)