datagovuk / apiserver

Prototype "NII Data->API" Service
15 stars 3 forks source link

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To start the server

  1. Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  2. export MANIFESTS="/path/to/manifests"
  3. export DBUSER="reader"
  4. export DBPASS="reader"
  5. For those themes that have them generate the distinct lookups with mix distinct.generate transport.anonymised_mot_tests
  6. Start server with MIX_ENV=dev mix phoenix.server`

To run tests, you need to make sure your manifests are not picked up by running

    MANIFESTS=/tmp mix test 

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Environment variables

The table below documents the environment variables used/interpreted by the api server.

Environment Var Description Example Default
MANIFESTS Location of folder containing theme and manifests folders /var/lib/apiserver/ None
MIX_ENV Which version of app to run DEV, TEST, PROD DEV
PGPORT Port on which Postgres is listening 5432 5432
DBUSER Username for reading from database reader
DBPASS Password for user reading from database reader
GA_KEY A Google Analytics key, presence of which creates relevant block UA-XXXXXXXX-1