datajoint / datajoint-matlab

Relational data pipelines for the science lab
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discovering existing tables across python/matlab #412

Open mikewehr opened 2 years ago

mikewehr commented 2 years ago

Hi, we're just getting started implementing datajoint in our lab, using a local docker server. Jonny, a python user, started by adding subject schemas with basic biographical info. I, a matlab user, can connect to the database but do not know in advance what schemas have been created in python. How do I discover which schemas/tables already exist in the database and connect matlab schemas to them? Is this documented somewhere? This docs page didn't seem to help me, unless I'm missing something. Thank you!


CBroz1 commented 2 years ago

The datajoint python function list_schemas has the SQL syntax for querying the available schemas. Within MATLAB, that SQL syntax could be embedded in a query().

There's probably a more native way to do the same, but this is the first thing that comes to mind

dimitri-yatsenko commented 2 years ago

To connect to an existing schema from matlab, you need to know its name. You can list the schema names using SQL commands:

conn = dj.conn()
conn.query('SHOW SCHEMAS')

Once you know the schema name, you you can connect to it using the dj.createSchema function. This will match the corresponding database schema to a MATLAB package (a +package folder) with the getSchema function inside it.

Then you can plot the diagram of that schema using the erd command

erd <package>

You can access the schema using the schema object, which you can instantiate by calling the getSchema function in the package

schema = package.getSchema()

With this schema object, you can use its dynamic property .v to access any table as if it was a table class.


Alternatively, you can use the function to create a full-blow class for the given table. If the table already exists, it will create the matlab classdef file with the full definition reverse-engineered from the database definition.

mikewehr commented 2 years ago

Thank you, this was super helpful. Did I miss this in the documentation, or is this a topic that could be more completely documented? Do you encourage users to contribute to docs with PRs?

CBroz1 commented 2 years ago

Our documentation is lagging behind a bit, especially with matlab. I would be very happy to see a user-contributed PR to our docs repository.

dimitri-yatsenko commented 2 years ago

@mikewehr Your contributions in both functionality and documentation are welcome! We will be refactoring the documentation to make contributions easier.