Welcome to DataJoint for MATLAB!
DataJoint for MATLAB is a high-level programming interface for relational databases designed to support data processing chains in science labs. DataJoint is built on the foundation of the relational data model and prescribes a consistent method for organizing, populating, and querying data.
For more information, see our
general DataJoint docs and
DataJoint MATLAB docs.
For Developers: Running Tests Locally
Click to expand details
+ Create an `.env` with desired development environment values e.g.
``` sh
MATLAB_LICENSE=IyBCRUd... # For image usage instructions see https://github.com/guzman-raphael/matlab, https://hub.docker.com/r/raphaelguzman/matlab
+ `cp local-docker-compose.yaml docker-compose.yaml`
+ `docker-compose up` (Note configured `JUPYTER_PASSWORD`)
+ Select a means of running MATLAB e.g. Jupyter Notebook, GUI, or Terminal (see bottom)
+ Add `tests` directory to path e.g. in MATLAB, `addpath('tests')`
+ Run desired tests. Some examples are as follows:
| Use Case | MATLAB Code |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Run all tests | `run(Main)` |
| Run one class of tests | `run(TestTls)` |
| Run one specific test | `runtests('TestTls/TestTls_testInsecureConn')` |
| Run tests based on test name | `import matlab.unittest.TestSuite;`
`import matlab.unittest.selectors.HasName;`
`import matlab.unittest.constraints.ContainsSubstring;`
`suite = TestSuite.fromClass(?Main, ... `
### Launch Jupyter Notebook
+ Navigate to `localhost:8888`
+ Input Jupyter password
+ Launch a notebook i.e. `New > MATLAB`
### Launch MATLAB GUI (supports remote interactive debugger)
+ Shell into `datajoint-matlab_app_1` i.e. `docker exec -it datajoint-matlab_app_1 bash`
+ Launch Matlab by running command `matlab`
### Launch MATLAB Terminal
+ Shell into `datajoint-matlab_app_1` i.e. `docker exec -it datajoint-matlab_app_1 bash`
+ Launch Matlab with no GUI by running command `matlab -nodisplay`