datajoint / element-array-ephys

DataJoint Element for Neuropixels analysis with Kilosort
MIT License
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DataJoint Element for Extracellular Electrophysiology

DataJoint Element for extracellular array electrophysiology that processes data acquired with a polytrode probe (e.g. Neuropixels, Neuralynx) using the SpikeGLX or OpenEphys acquisition software and MATLAB-based Kilosort or python-based Kilosort spike sorting software. DataJoint Elements collectively standardize and automate data collection and analysis for neuroscience experiments. Each Element is a modular pipeline for data storage and processing with corresponding database tables that can be combined with other Elements to assemble a fully functional pipeline. This repository also provides a tutorial environment and notebooks to learn the pipeline.

Experiment flowchart


Data Pipeline Diagram


Getting Started

     git clone<enter_github_username>/element-array-ephys.git


Interactive Tutorial

Launch Environment

Here are some options that provide a great experience:

You will know your environment has finished loading once you either see a terminal open related to Running postStartCommand with a final message of Done or the is opened in Preview.

Once the environment has launched, please run the following command in the terminal:

MYSQL_VER=8.0 docker compose -f docker-compose-db.yaml up --build -d


  1. We recommend you start by navigating to the notebooks directory on the left panel and go through the tutorial.ipynb Jupyter notebook. Execute the cells in the notebook to begin your walk through of the tutorial.

  2. Once you are done, see the options available to you in the menu in the bottom-left corner. For example, in Codespace you will have an option to Stop Current Codespace but when running Dev Container on your own machine the equivalent option is Reopen folder locally. By default, GitHub will also automatically stop the Codespace after 30 minutes of inactivity. Once the Codespace is no longer being used, we recommend deleting the Codespace.