datalad / datalad-ebrains

DataLad extension to interface with the neuroinformatics platform of the Human Brain Project
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DataLad EBRAINS extension

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EBRAINS is a digital research infrastructure, created by the EU-funded Human Brain Project, that gathers an extensive range of data and tools for brain related research. EBRAINS capitalizes on the work performed by the Human Brain Project teams in digital neuroscience, brain medicine and brain-inspired technology.

The purpose of this DataLad extension package is to represent and retrieve EBRAINS datasets as DataLad datasets (without requiring downloading or duplication of datasets hosted on EBRAINS) to make them compatible with the wider DataLad ecosystem.

Commands provided by this extension

See the documentation for details:


# create and enter a new virtual environment (optional)
$ virtualenv --python=python3 ~/env/dl-ebrains
$ . ~/env/dl-ebrains/bin/activate
# install from GitHub
$ python -m pip install git+


For general information on how to use or contribute to DataLad (and this extension), please see the DataLad website or the main GitHub project page.

All bugs, concerns and enhancement requests for this software can be submitted here:

If you have a problem or would like to ask a question about how to use DataLad, please submit a question to with a datalad tag. is a platform similar to StackOverflow but dedicated to neuroinformatics.

All previous DataLad questions are available here:


This development was supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Human Brain Project SGA3 (H2020-EU., grant no. 945539).