datamapio / posmo_one_testing

Public Testing Repo
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POSMO ONE Alpha Testing

Help improve Posmo One with Posmo Segments

Posmo Segments can be found on the App Store and on the Google Play Store.

We offer way more transport modes in Posmo Segments, so if you want to improve Posmo One and/or add transport modes that aren't available yet by default (e.g. Subway), we advise to record specific segments with Posmo Segments. Be however very precise with the start and stop of this particular segment. You can change/edit the end of your segment (in case you forgot to stop it) after stopping the segment directly on the phone.

Once you save them, you'll can access them at

Posmo Segments helps to benchmark starts/stops, duration and kilometers

Using Posmo One together with Posmo Segments helps also to be precise/to benchmark, as Posmo Segments always displays start, end times as well as duration and total kilometers. You don't need to do this for all segments, just for the ones you like and for the ones with other transport modes than:

are used.

For your test reports

Use issues to publish your test reports.

0. Tell us if you are fine, when we respond publicly to your questions

Being in Alpha, we looking at your data will tell us what is wrongly interpreted. The more diversity of cases we see, the better our ML will become. For now it helps to scrutinize the day and segments you point out. And do this visually most of the time.

Assumption 1:

If you help us with that, you agree that we look at your data.

Assumption 2:

1. Always mention the city, country and operation system (iOS/Android)

2. Always mention your username, day and settings

day = e.g. 14. Juli 2020 or July 4, 2020
username = e.g. roger at (if SEMIPRIVATE, you can send us a mail too)

1 = on / 0 = off

wifi_fence = 1 or 0
wifi_over_gps = 1 or 0
data_over_wifi_only = 1 or 0
do_not_track = 1 or 0

wifi_fence: 1
do_not_track: 0
wifi_over_gps: 0
data_over_wifi_only: 1

3. If something is off, follow this order of reasoning

A. Do we have all places (static) and all segments (moving)? Do we have too many or not enough segments?
B. Do all segments and places start at the right time?
C. Are all places and segments classified correctly?

Example report:
"Problem A: I am missing a place on day 2020-06-20 from 14:30-15:20. Right now the walking segment extends till 15:20."

4. Upload images to specify your problem

You can either send screenshots of your phone or of the web version (
Pictures normally help to better understand the problem.

New Backend Versions

We will publish new backend versions here. There might be on some rare occasions short interruptions of the service. If that is the case, we will let you know.