The GPG interface for nodejs we were promised
Social - @datapartyjs
const GpgPromised = require('gpg-promised')
const KeyChain = GpgPromised.KeyChain
const keychain = new KeyChain()
//! open keychain for operations
//! Make a connected security card the primary identity
await keychain.trustCard()
//! Download keys for reciepents
for(const toEmail of toEmails){
console.log('recvKey -', toEmail)
const toKeyLookup = await keychain.lookupKey(toEmail)
await keychain.recvKey(toKeyLookup.keyid)
const who = await keychain.whoami()
const enc = await keychain.encrypt('hello world', who.concat(toEmails), who[0])
console.log('encrypt -', enc)
const dec = await keychain.decrypt(enc)