datasektionen / cashflow

Django project to manage receipts and reimbursements at Datasektionen
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Cashflow 2.0

Django project to manage receipts and reimbursements at Datasektionen.

Developing locally

Cashflow uses Python 3.6.2

The server will restart on file changes.

Getting data from production

  1. Get a database dump: ssh hermes dokku postgres:export cashflow > cashflow.sql
  2. Shove it into a local database: pg_restore -h localhost -U cashflow -d cashflow --no-owner < cashflow.sql
  3. Copy files from s3 to local: aws s3 cp --recursive s3://dsekt-cashflow-2/media/ media/ (warning: you need a fair bit of free disk space for this. todo: how does one easily download only new files?)

Environment variables

The following environment variables are required to run the project:

Variable Description Default
DATABASE_URL PostgreSQL server url ---
DEBUG Django debug mode. Set to True when developing locally. Never set to True in production. False
SECRET_KEY Django encryption key ---
LOGIN_KEY Login API key for KTH authentication ---
S3_BUCKET_NAME Amazon AWS s3 bucket name ---
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID Amazon AWS IAM access key id ---
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Amazon AWS IAM secret access key ---
S3_USE_SIGV4 If Frankfurt, set to False True
S3_HOST Url to s3 server
SPAM_API_KEY API key for the spam mail system ---
SPAM_URL URL to spam service
PLS_URL URL to pls service
LOGIN_API_URL URL to login service api
LOGIN_FRONTEND_URL URL to login service frontend
SEND_EMAILS If False, does not send emails True

(The variables beginning with S3 are not used if DEBUG is true. Files are instead stored at ./media/)

They can be put in an .env-file in root. They will be loaded automatically by pipenv.

Check out .env.example for an example.


The default max upload size in nginx is 1 MB. To allow larger file uploads, set the max size of file uploads to for example 100 MB.

echo "client_max_body_size 100M;" > /home/dokku/cashflow/nginx.conf.d/max_size.conf