datasektionen / hodis

User lookup and information management system
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Hodis - User lookup system


GET /ping

Returns "Pong". Can be used for health-checking of the service.

GET /users/:query

Searches kthid, ugkthid and name for :query. Responds with a list of users. Example:

        "ugKthid": "u1xxxxxx",
        "uid": "tomten",
        "cn": "Tomten Andersson (tomten)",
        "mail": "",
        "givenName": "Tomten",
        "displayName": "Tomten Andersson",
        "year": 2018,
        "ugKthid": "u1xxxxxx",
        "uid": "tandfen",
        "cn": "Tandfen Persson (tandfen)",
        "mail": "",
        "givenName": "Tandfen",
        "displayName": "Tandfen Persson",
        "year": 2017,

GET /uid/:uid

Searches kthid for :uid. Responds with exactly one user. Same format as above.

GET /ugkthid/:ugid

Searches ugkthid for :ugid. Responds with exactly one user. Same format as above.

GET /tag/:tag

Searches for the first user with the given :tag. Tags seem to have been an experimental feature that isn't used. Responds with exactly one user. Same format as above.

POST /uid/:uid

Updates a user. The user details can be specified either as a json body or as form fields. The format is the same as above.

Authentication is done by specifying an api_key or a token. The API key is a PLS API key and the token is a Login token. Users can modify their own profiles. If a user has the hodis.admin permission in PLS then they can modify other users profiles.

Environment variables

Variable Description Example
LOGIN_API_KEY API key for the Login system. --
LOGIN_URL URL to the Login system.
PLS_URL URL to pls.
LDAP_HOST hostname to kth:s ldap server.
LDAP_PORT tcp to kth:s ldap server. 389
DATABASE_URL A postgresql database url. postgres://postgres:password@db:5432/
GIN_MODE Should be set to "release" in production.

Dependency on other systems at Datasektionen

PLS permissions

Production setup

Set environment variables according to "Environment variables", install go, run go build hodis.go and start the server with ./hodis.

Development setup

DATABASE_URL should point to a postgresql database. You can start one with:

docker run \
    --name hodis-db -p 5432:5432 -d \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=hodis \
    -e POSTGRES_DB=hodis \
    -e POSTGRES_USER=hodis \

and use the following: DATABASE_URL=postgres://hodis:hodis@localhost:5432/hodis?sslmode=disable

If you're at KTH, ldap might just work (?). Otherwise, create a tcp tunnel through mjukglass using something like: ssh mjukglass -L and set LDAP_HOST to localhost and LDAP_PORT to 33389.

To not use pls for verifying api keys, you can set PLS_URL to true or false to accept or reject any given api keys.