datastax / cassandra-data-migrator

Cassandra Data Migrator - Migrate & Validate data between origin and target Apache Cassandra®-compatible clusters.
Apache License 2.0
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cassandra-data-migrator (also known as CDM)

Migrate and Validate Tables between Origin and Target Cassandra Clusters.

:warning: Please note this job has been tested with spark version 3.5.3

Install as a Container

Install as a JAR file


:warning: If the above Spark and Scala version is not properly installed, you'll then see a similar exception like below when running the CDM jobs,

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: scala.runtime.Statics.releaseFence()V

Steps for Data-Migration:

:warning: Note that Version 4 of the tool is not backward-compatible with .properties files created in previous versions, and that package names have changed.

  1. file needs to be configured as applicable for the environment. Parameter descriptions and defaults are described in the file. The file can have any name, it does not need to be
  2. Place the properties file where it can be accessed while running the job via spark-submit.
  3. Run the below job using spark-submit command as shown below:
spark-submit --properties-file \
--conf spark.cdm.schema.origin.keyspaceTable="<keyspacename>.<tablename>" \
--master "local[*]" --driver-memory 25G --executor-memory 25G \
--class com.datastax.cdm.job.Migrate cassandra-data-migrator-4.x.x.jar &> logfile_name_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H_%M).txt


--conf spark.cdm.filter.cassandra.partition.min=<token-range-min>
--conf spark.cdm.filter.cassandra.partition.max=<token-range-max>

Steps for Data-Validation:

spark-submit --properties-file \
--conf spark.cdm.schema.origin.keyspaceTable="<keyspacename>.<tablename>" \
--master "local[*]" --driver-memory 25G --executor-memory 25G \
--class com.datastax.cdm.job.DiffData cassandra-data-migrator-4.x.x.jar &> logfile_name_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H_%M).txt
23/04/06 08:43:06 ERROR DiffJobSession: Mismatch row found for key: [key3] Mismatch: Target Index: 1 Origin: valueC Target: value999) 
23/04/06 08:43:06 ERROR DiffJobSession: Corrected mismatch row in target: [key3]
23/04/06 08:43:06 ERROR DiffJobSession: Missing target row found for key: [key2]
23/04/06 08:43:06 ERROR DiffJobSession: Inserted missing row in target: [key2]
spark-submit --properties-file \
--conf spark.cdm.schema.origin.keyspaceTable="<keyspacename>.<tablename>" \
--conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions='' \ 
--conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions='' \ 
--master "local[*]" --driver-memory 25G --executor-memory 25G \
--class com.datastax.cdm.job.DiffData cassandra-data-migrator-4.x.x.jar &> logfile_name_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H_%M).txt

Rerun (previously incomplete) Migration or Validation

spark-submit --properties-file \
 --conf spark.cdm.schema.origin.keyspaceTable="<keyspacename>.<tablename>" \
 --conf spark.cdm.trackRun.previousRunId=<prev_run_id> \
 --master "local[*]" --driver-memory 25G --executor-memory 25G \
 --class com.datastax.cdm.job.<Migrate|DiffData> cassandra-data-migrator-4.x.x.jar &> logfile_name_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H_%M).txt

Perform large-field Guardrail violation checks

spark-submit --properties-file \
--conf spark.cdm.schema.origin.keyspaceTable="<keyspacename>.<tablename>" \
--conf spark.cdm.feature.guardrail.colSizeInKB=10000 \
--master "local[*]" --driver-memory 25G --executor-memory 25G \
--class com.datastax.cdm.job.GuardrailCheck cassandra-data-migrator-4.x.x.jar &> logfile_name_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H_%M).txt


Things to know

Performance FAQ

Building Jar for local development

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Move to the repo folder cd cassandra-data-migrator
  3. Run the build mvn clean package (Needs Maven 3.9.x)
  4. The fat jar (cassandra-data-migrator-4.x.x.jar) file should now be present in the target folder


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