datatlas-erasme / datatlas

🌍 Create and share shiny maps of your territory ✨
GNU General Public License v3.0
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datavisualization dataviz geojson geospatial-analysis gis keplergl nestjs nx open-data react


🌍 DatAtlas is a geospatial data vizualization tool ✨ based on and developed by Erasme, the open innovation lab of the Lyon πŸ‡«πŸ‡· metropolitan area.

DatAtlas allows to create and share custom interactive maps from various datasource:

  1. Name your map and choose your favorite map style πŸ’…
  2. Import datasources from files or URLS in GeoJson, csv, etc.
  3. Customize the UI for your visitors ✨
  4. Publish and share your map with the world! 🌍

A 3D map of the industries around Lyon and Saint-Etienne. It represents the number of industry on a territory using clusters displayed as 3D stacked histograms. This map was created with DatAtlas.

Under the hood

DatAtlas is a custom frontend with a Nestjs API allowing to save and share your maps via a URL. is an open-source, data-agnostic, high-performance app for visual exploration of large-scale geolocation data sets. It's built on top of Mapbox GL JS and It can render millions of points representing thousands of trips and perform spatial aggregations on the fly.

DatAtlas fix some of issues to allow multiple maps to work flawlessly in a single app.

It also brings documentation on some hidden customization features and shed some light on some of the complex patterns used in the codebase.

Support our contributions to the codebase! >

Getting started

npm install
cp .env.example .env
docker compose up
npx nx serve backend
npx nx serve frontend

Or both:

npx nx run-many --target=serve

It opens a new tab at http://localhost:3000/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Note: you must manually configure pgadmin :

  1. Right-click Servers > Register > Server...
  2. Under Connection:
  • Host datatlas-db
  • Port: 5432
  • Username: docker
  • Password: docker


See app ./apps/frontend/


See API ./apps/backend/


Visit the Nx Documentation to learn more.

Code quality

Run both prettier and eslint:

npx nx format:write --base=origin/dev && npx nx run-many --target=lint --base=origin/dev

Bulk dependencies updates

To update nestjs and keep in sync all side packages:

npx npm-check-updates --filter "@nestjs/*" -u

Or to update mikro-orm and friends:

npx npm-check-updates --filter "@mikro-orm/*" -

Database migrations

npm run mikro-orm migration:create
npm run mikro-orm migration:up


Run a single test file:

npx nx run backend-e2e:e2e --spec apps/backend-e2e/src/e2e/


Output test results to a log file for debugging purpose:

npx nx run backend-e2e:e2e --spec apps/backend-e2e/src/e2e/ &> cypress.log

See Cypress documentation :



You can deploy the datatlas stack on a kubernetes cluster using the provided helm chart.

Copy the helm/example.values.yaml file to values.yaml and edit it to fit your needs.

Then run the following command to deploy the stack:

helm install datatlas ./helm --create-namespace --namespace datatlas


DatAtlas was created by Erasme, the open innovation lab of Lyon πŸ‡«πŸ‡· metropolitan area. It's a part of the larger DatAgora initiative.

This project was supported by the France Relance economic recovery plan.

Figma sketch was made by SiaPartners.