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📚 Monthly reading group for Data Together
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Data Monopolies Readings #75

Closed Frijol closed 4 years ago

Frijol commented 4 years ago

To be facilitated by @jnthnvctr and [? anyone want to co-facilitate?] @titaniumbones . Schedule for 2020 semester here:

Most of our data and information is controlled by a handful of companies. How did this come to be, what are examples of responsible and irresponsible holding of this power, and how do we imagine we might slip the trap of data monopolies?

We use these issues to solicit additional reading suggestions from the community. Please add suggestions below! Ultimately, the facilitators will choose the reading selections for their session.

Here are some readings that were suggested for this topic in the Data Together Annual Meeting:

-- Maybe goes in here? Closed Source & Its Benefits

dcwalk commented 4 years ago

Watched a super great interview with this person: Matt Stoller ( who recently wrote "Goliath: The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy". Maybe something to connect to the broader history of monopolies in there

lightandluck commented 4 years ago

+1 Matt Stoller - been following him on Twitter and want to read that book as well

greggish commented 4 years ago

I'd really like to join this discussion when it happens! And, to add to the mix, I'm thinking about the frame of Protocols vs Platforms, which threads with Doctorow's recent writing on adversarial interoperability...

titaniumbones commented 4 years ago

hi @jnthnvctr looks like we are co-moderating -- let's figure out a way to coordinate & maybe pare down these readings?

titaniumbones commented 4 years ago

I think we are on for early may-ish

jnthnvctr commented 4 years ago

pinged you on the archivers slack!

jnthnvctr commented 4 years ago

Anti competitiveness, and how did we get here? Modern day monopolies: Teddy Roosevelt Would Not Understand the E.U.’s Antitrust Fine Against Google: Anti trust in the EU/US:

What are the things we worry about with monopolies? Economic / social / political bads as outcomes of monopolistic power

Data Monopolies in a COVID era? Contact tracing and privacy? Data Privacy bill in response: Contact tracing proposal from Apple / Google

Optional bits to play around with for discussion: Can data monopolies be a force for good? Google/FB/Apple reports about data movement More reading on modern monopolies:

dcwalk commented 4 years ago

Is this still happening today?

Frijol commented 4 years ago

Moved to next week! @dcwalk