datatogether / reading_datatogether

đź“š Monthly reading group for Data Together
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Data. Together. Let's read about it

Data Together's reading group is a set of conversations on themes relevant to information and ethics. Learn more and consider joining!

See blog posts of previous conversations at's blog. Previous semesters' syllabi are also available.


Once a month, we'll host a 1.5 hour discussion of one of our themes. Everyone should try hard to read the core reading (~30 pages), and once or twice sign up to facilitate discussion.

📅 During session, we meet once a month at 17:30-19:00 ET on a Tuesday (Data Together Calendar) 🎯 Participation link (recorded):
▶️ Data Together Call Playlist

Join the Data Together reading group!

2020 Data Together Reading Group: "Polity: What is my civic role?"

What is the role of an individual in a system where we hold civic roles both in political and in digital contexts? What are the implications of one’s polity not aligning with one’s national or governmental state?



Algorithmic Racism & Environmental Data Justice

March 17

How do choices in technology design and implementation reflect and impact broader social structures? Let's explore, starting with readings from environmental data justice and studies of algorithmic racism.


Content Moderation and Consent

April 7

This topic covers factors that impact the content that we see. How do platforms balance freedom of expression versus consent to avoid offensive content, navigate algorithmic versus human moderation and curation, or incentivize different types of interaction? What are downstream effects of these choices?


Optional bonus readings

Data Monopolies

May 12

Most of our data and information is controlled by a handful of companies. How did this come to be, what are examples of responsible and irresponsible holding of this power, and how do we imagine we might slip the trap of data monopolies?

Readings: Anti competitiveness, and how did we get here?

What are the things we worry about with monopolies?

Data Monopolies in a COVID era?

Optional bits to play around with for discussion:

Trust (Cryptographic and Human)

June 9

New technologies attempt to free us from (data) monopolized spaces, but does cryptographic trust truly map onto or enable better human-to-human (or human-to-company or human-to-technology) trust?


Private Data & Policies

September 22

How have particular implementations of data privacy policies impacted humans, economics, and legal systems? What are appropriate expectations around data privacy, and who should inform, create, or enforce policies?



Attempted and proposed solutions

Other optional readings


November 3

Who are the groups of people to whom we are connected in systems of governance? To whom do we owe allegiance?


Other material:


Here are some guidelines about preparation in order to facilitate a session:

Potential Readings

We maintain a shared bibliography in the datatogether Zotero group, which includes potential readings.

Anyone can request an invite on a call or by creating a github issue in this repository with their Zotero username.


Data Together Reading Group Materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

See the LICENSE file for details.