datatogether / reading_datatogether

📚 Monthly reading group for Data Together
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Private Data & Policies Readings #76

Closed Frijol closed 4 years ago

Frijol commented 4 years ago

To be facilitated by @jnthnvctr and @Frijol . Schedule for 2020 semester here:

How have particular implementations of data privacy policies impacted humans, economics, and legal systems? What are appropriate expectations around data privacy, and who should inform, create, or enforce policies?

We use these issues to solicit additional reading suggestions from the community. Please add suggestions below! Ultimately, the facilitators will choose the reading selections for their session.

Here are some readings that were suggested for this topic in the Data Together Annual Meeting:

Frijol commented 4 years ago

This has some great material:

Frijol commented 4 years ago

Some ideas:

Grounding privacy in ethics principles

More in the data science/research direction (not sure if this is interesting to us?)

About understanding a citizenry

Applications in justice

I'm not sure I'm hitting the right themes here, just some resources that jumped to mind

jnthnvctr commented 4 years ago

@Frijol - sorry for the late reply, I feel like weekends are my only breathing space :D

But I like the idea of starting with grounding! Maybe to add to your list for the overview, I thought this was a useful framing piece:

A little more broad, but this had some pretty good links into it as well:

Re: the lecture, maybe we trim the slides to specific ranges?

I think the Belmont one feels a bit too broad, but if we do want to keep it I'd vote for section B (Ethics) and Section C (Applications). I think my gripe with this one, while I think it is interesting, is that it focuses a bit more in the research-y sense, where I feel like a lot of the tension that exists is that the data thats being collected (in the general sense) is actually done with much less purpose. Maybe that's worth including to at least the differences across fields/industries wrt the treatment of data.

If we get to a proposed solutions bit, I think it could be interesting to talk about the political side and what people have proposed:

There are a few misc. topics I don't know how to work in, but I feel like are interesting case studies:

Frijol commented 4 years ago

Whoa, love these selections! Here's what I'm thinking (and, I haven't read all your links, so this isn't comprehensive):

Reading selections


Attempted and proposed solutions

Case studies


greggish commented 4 years ago

re Balkin & Zittrain on platforms as fiduciaries, Lina Khan offered some solid pushback, basically saying the platform-as-fiduciary concept misdiagnoses the problem while handwaving away conflicts of interest that compromise it as a solution: A Skeptical View of Information Fiduciaries

Frijol commented 4 years ago
Frijol commented 4 years ago

Possibly this one?

jnthnvctr commented 4 years ago

Works for me! Will submit a pr!

StefanMorales commented 3 years ago

@Frijol was this rescheduled in the end? I missed it as I was on vacation at the time.

Frijol commented 3 years ago

Yes! We're still deciding on when is best for it (and, related, when is best for the Polity discussion). Your input would be very helpful! Are you getting the list emails? I'll send out one today asking for date clarification.

StefanMorales commented 3 years ago

Do you mean these emails through the google group? If so, yes I'm getting those.