dativebase / old-pyramid

Online Linguistic Database (OLD)
8 stars 1 forks source link
linguistics linguistics-databases pyramid-framework python3

.. image:: https://circleci.com/gh/dativebase/old-pyramid.svg?style=shield :target: https://circleci.com/gh/dativebase/old-pyramid

================================================================================ The Online Linguistic Database (OLD)

.. image:: OLD-logo.png :align: left

The Online Linguistic Database (OLD) is software for linguistic fieldwork. It helps groups of linguists, language documenters, and/or language community members to collaboratively build a web-accessible database of their language data.


For additional information, see the OLD Web Site_.

Dative is a GUI for the OLD. See the Dative source code, Dative's web site, or the Dative app for more information.


Deploying the OLD means:

  1. downloading its source code and installing it, including its Python dependencies;
  2. installing its operating system dependencies (e.g., Ffmpeg, foma);
  3. making configuration decisions, e.g., the name of the MySQL database to use;
  4. creating its database tables and needed directory structure; and
  5. serving it.

Development Deployment using Docker Compose

The recommended way of creating a full DativeBase (i.e., Dative and OLD) development deployment is by following the DativeBase Docker Compose instructions_.

Deploying locally using Vagrant and Ansible

The OLD and Dative can also be installed locally for development purposes on a virtual machine using the Dative/OLD Vagrant/Ansible deploy scripts_::

$ git clone git@github.com:dativebase/deploy-dative-old.git
$ cd deploy-dative-old/playbooks/dative-old
$ ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles/ -r requirements.yml
$ vagrant up

If the above works, you should see something like the following::

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
dative-old-local           : ok=84   changed=31   unreachable=0    failed=0

And Dative and the OLD should be accessible at the following URLs:

The above commands assume you have Vagrant (>= 1.7) installed and Ansible (v. installed. These commands will install the OLD and its dependencies (foma, MITLM, ffmpeg, TGrep2) on a virtual machine running Ubuntu 14.04; they will configure and serve two OLD instances as well as the Dative GUI. More details are available at https://github.com/dativebase/deploy-dative-old/tree/master/playbooks/dative-old.

Building and running the OLD in a Docker container

Build the OLD docker image::

$ docker build -t dativebase/old .

Run the old container and launch a bash sell inside it::

$ docker run -it dativebase/old bash

Confirm that Python 3.6, Ffmpeg, foma, TGrep2, and MITLM are installed::

# python3.6 -V
Python 3.6.3
# ffmpeg -version
ffmpeg version 3.4.1-1~16.04.york0 Copyright (c) 2000-2017 the FFmpeg developers
# foma -v
foma 0.9.18alpha
# tgrep2 -h
TGrep2 version 1.15
# estimate-ngram -h
MIT Language Modeling Toolkit 0.4.2

After building the image as per above, you may wish to push it to Docker Hub::

$ docker tag dativebase/old jrwdunham/old-pyramid:2021-07-01
$ docker push jrwdunham/old-pyramid:2021-07-01

The above may require logging out and then back in again::

$ docker logout
$ docker login


To install the OLD manually from source, create and activate a Python3 virtual environment, clone the OLD source, and use pip to install its dependencies::

$ virtualenv -p /path/to/python3/executable env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ git clone git@github.com:dativebase/old-pyramid.git
$ cd old-pyramid
$ pip install -r requirements.txt -e .

Build the Database Tables

You must manually create the MySQL database that you expect to use for each OLD instance. Here is an example (which assumes a pre-existing user named old)::

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON old.* TO 'old'@'localhost';

After installing the OLD, the initialize_old executable should be in your PATH. Calling it will create the database tables, add some default values (e.g., default users), and will create the directory structure scaffolding::

$ initialize_old config.ini

To control the configuration (e.g., the database user, password, host, etc.) you can modify the config file config.ini or, better yet, use environment variables (see below).

Serve the OLD

You can use pserve_ to serve the OLD::

$ pserve config.ini

Alternatively, use the serve.sh convenience shell script, providing host and port values as environment variables, if desired::

$ OLD_PORT=62008 ./serve.sh

Now if you navigate to http://localhost:62008/old/ you should see a big JSON object that describes the OLD's API. If you install Dative_, you can use it to interact with the OLD.

Environment Variable Configuration

Serving the OLD and building its database tables requires configuration which can come from directly modifying the config file (config.ini) or from setting specific environment variables. The latter approach is recommended and the following environment variables are recognized by the OLD. See the comments in the config file for what is expected in these variables.


The OLD is software for creating OLD instances, RESTful web services that send and receive data in JSON format. It is written in Python using the Pyramid web framework_. It works with both MySQL and SQLite as the RDBMS.

Note: this is the OLD written using the Pyramid framework and is the version that will be used for current and future development. For the Pylons framework OLD, see the Pylons OLD source and the Official OLD Documentation.

Run the Tests

To run tests you must have MySQL v. 5.6 or greater installed. (The tests are not guaranteed to pass currently with SQLite or earlier versions of MySQL.) If MySQL is installed, make sure that the MySQL database and user corresponding to your configuration exist. For example, if your testing configuration expects a database named oldtests accessible to the user old with password demo, do the following::

mysql> CREATE DATABASE oldtests
    DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_bin;
mysql> CREATE USER 'old'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'demo';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON oldtests.* TO 'old'@'localhost';

Make sure that your configuration matches your test database, i.e., modify the config file to have appropriate corresponding values, e.g., db.user = old, or, better yet, set the corresponding environment variables e.g., OLD_DB_USER=old. Also, make sure to turn testing on in the configuration: OLD_TESTING=1.

Then run the tests::

$ pytest

The convenience script test.sh will turn testing on for you and will then run the tests::

$ ./test.sh

The tests can also be run with tox using specific Python versions::

$ tox -e py34
$ tox -e py35
$ tox -e py36

To run all tests across all supported Python versions, including the pylint linting tests::

$ tox

Open a Shell

To open a Python shell/REPL::

$ pshell config.ini

.. OLD Web Site: http://www.onlinelinguisticdatabase.org/ .. Official OLD Documentation: http://online-linguistic-database.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ .. Dative: http://www.dative.ca/ .. Dative source code: https://github.com/dativebase/dative .. Dative's web site: http://www.dative.ca/ .. Dative app: http://app.dative.ca/ .. Pyramid web framework: http://www.pylonsproject.org/ .. Pyramid: https://trypyramid.com/ .. Pylons: http://upcoming.pylonsproject.org/about-pylons-framework.html .. Pylons OLD source: https://github.com/dativebase/old .. Dative/OLD Vagrant/Ansible deploy scripts: https://github.com/dativebase/deploy-dative-old .. pserve: https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/pscripts/pserve.html .. _DativeBase Docker Compose instructions: https://github.com/dativebase/dativebase/blob/master/docker-compose/README.rst