datnguyenzzz / AWSCronJobScheduler

Cron job scheduler for AWS
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aws-kinesis aws-lambda aws-s3 aws-sqs cronjob-scheduler docker influxdb spring-boot

Cron job scheduler on Amazon Web Service

Automatically arrange based on specific predefined firing schedules and periodically check the health statuses ofcustomizable tasks, which involved Amazon Web Services.

AWS actions (will be updated more feature)

Required enviroment variables

Name Example Description
CRON_JOB_PROVIDER local Type of storage where reside cronjob definition file. Current only support from local and S3
CRON_JOB_LOCATION /AWSCronJob/definition.yaml Cronjob definition file path (or bucket name if storage is S3)
HEALTH_CHECK_FREQUENCY 5 Health check will aggregate status of all jobs within schedule every 5 second
CONSECUTIVE_ERROR_POSTPONE_THRESHOLD 5 Scheduler will postpone job if it met consecutive error is higher than 5%
PERCENTAGE_ERROR_POSTPONE_THRESHOLD 10 Scheduler will postpone job if it met overall percentage error is higher than 10%
AWS_REGION eu-north-1 AWS Region where the services deployed
AWS_CREDENTIALS_TARGET optional AWS credentials file

Cronjob definition file

Definiton of cron and message to be sent described in YAML format. Job can be fired based on cron definition or after certain job.

DISCLAIMER: Currently only support tree like architecture. In future will be support DAG type.

#supported tree architecture only
  - name: "Upload to SQS #1"
    cronTrigger: "0/4 * * * * ?"
    usedService: "SQS"
      - key: "key-1"
        value: "value-1"
      - key: "key-2"
        value: "value-2"

  - name: "Upload to SQS #2"
    usedService: "SQS"
    afterJobDone: "Upload to SQS #1"
    lambdaActionFile: "abc/def/xyz.java"

  - name: "Upload to Kinesis # 4"
    usedService: "Kinesis"
    afterJobDone: "Upload to SQS #2"

  - name: "Upload to SQS #5"
    usedService: "SQS"
    afterJobDone: "Upload to SQS #2"

  - name: "Upload to Kinesis #3"
    cronTrigger: "0/5 * * * * ?"
    usedService: "Kinesis"
    lambdaActionFile: "xyz/ghi/dfc.java"

  - name: "Custom job #6"
    cronTrigger: "0/2 * * * * ?"
    usedService: "Custom"
    actionFile: "/AWSCronJob/CustomJobs/CustomJobImpl.java"

Plain java object (POJO) represent a job

public class AWSJob extends Object {

    @Getter @Setter
    private String name;

    @Getter @Setter
    private String cronTrigger;

    @Getter @Setter
    private List<Message> messages;

    @Getter @Setter
    private String usedService;

    @Getter @Setter
    private String afterJobDone;

    @Getter @Setter
    private String lambdaActionFile;


A Custom job must be implement interface com.github.datnguyenzzz.Interfaces.CustomJob. An example of custom job:

package CronJobActionFiles;
import com.github.datnguyenzzz.Interfaces.CustomJob;

public class CustomJobImpl implements CustomJob {
    private void pre(String yell) {
        System.out.println("Void invoked - " + yell);
    public void execute() {
        pre("THIS IS SPARTA !!!!");
        System.out.println("THIS IS CUSTOM JOB !!!");

REST Api list:

Scheduler will automatically distributed a job to appropriate schedule engine

Plan architecture

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