datomusic / duo-imxrt

MIT License
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This repository contains the firmware for the Dato DUO synthesizer serial numbers 4630 and up.

Updating the firmware

Grab one of the binaries from https://github.com/datomusic/duo-imxrt/releases Make sure you have Python 3 installed

in the commandline, go to the updater directory and enter python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

use python3 update_firmware.py

if on Mac you get an error usb.core.NoBackendError: No backend available, please install libusb by running brew install libusb

DUO Brains revisions

The main pcb of the Dato DUO is dubbed Brains. Up until mid 2022 the Brains 1 were based on the NXP K20DX256 microcontroller. Due to ongoing problems with availability of that chip family later Brains 2 are based on NXP iMX RT1010

Source code for the two different platforms can be found in the platforms directory.
