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How we built the new OpenSpending.org with PortalJS (dev oriented) #1032

Closed rufuspollock closed 7 months ago

rufuspollock commented 8 months ago

Dev oriented overview/tutorial of how we build new OpenSpending.org with PortalJS - follow up and complement to #882


Status: :heavy_check_mark: DONE. See https://www.datopian.com/blog/the-open-spending-revamp-behind-the-scenes and https://portaljs.org/blog/the-open-spending-revamp-behind-the-scenes


demenech commented 8 months ago

First version created: https://hackmd.io/I-p14Le8T5-p3w7rR-YfoQ?both

Waiting for @popovayoana 's input

demenech commented 8 months ago

First version created: https://hackmd.io/I-p14Le8T5-p3w7rR-YfoQ?both

Waiting for @popovayoana 's input

Yoana provided some feedback in an internal document. We'll post this to the Datopian blog and to the PortalJS blog tomorrow.

popovayoana commented 8 months ago

@demenech @rufuspollock left comments in this file https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qQ7sc163A9UOPGnDJaI5Z2_kuVtl_kE-gXSwaWbjBwQ/edit?usp=sharing but sharing them here as well for visibility and thoughts exchange ; )

situation is: we want this article to be posted on 2 blogs (Datopian and PortalJS). We have two options:

  1. repurpose content = ideally, we don't want to copy-paste the content (not good for SEO). it's better if we tailor the content slightly to suit the audience of PortalJS e.g. focus more on the technical aspects, diving deeper into how PortalJS contributes to the OS project etc. (I've provided a general outline of how we can tweak it in the file above). however, if we don't want/don't have the capacity to do that, we can simply:

  2. cross-post we can cross-post by copy-pasting the content but in that case, we should think about the SEO impact (search engines generally prioritize original content as you know, so duplicate content could result in a lower ranking for both sites. to mitigate this, we should: 2.1 use canonical tags to indicate the original source 2.2 add note at the beginning or end stating: "This post was originally published on [XXX Blog]. 2.3 do phased rollout: we can publish first on the Datopian blog (if we want this to be considered the "original source"), wait several days to allow search engines to register the content, and then publish on portalJS Blog 2.4 use different meta descriptions and titles to distinguish it from the original

rufuspollock commented 8 months ago

@popovayoana do the simplest thing possible which is simple xpost imo.

demenech commented 8 months ago

Both articles were posted. See See https://www.datopian.com/blog/the-open-spending-revamp-behind-the-scenes and https://portaljs.org/blog/the-open-spending-revamp-behind-the-scenes. @popovayoana do you have a plan to promote it?

popovayoana commented 8 months ago

@demenech yes, will share on social media

rufuspollock commented 7 months ago


rufuspollock commented 7 months ago

@demenech can you update acceptance with links 😄