datopian / datahub

πŸŒ€ Rapidly build rich data portals using a modern frontend framework
MIT License
2.17k stars 322 forks source link
ckan data-fabric data-management-platform data-mesh data-portal data-portal-frontends data-portals data-presentation nextjs open-data-portal react


Bugs, issues and suggestions re DataHub Cloud ☁️ and DataHub OpenSource πŸŒ€


This repo and issue tracker are for


Found a bug: πŸ‘‰ https://github.com/datopian/datahub/issues/new


Got a suggestion, a question, want some support or just want to shoot the breeze πŸ™‚

Head to the discussion forum: πŸ‘‰ https://github.com/datopian/datahub/discussions

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DataHub OpenSource πŸŒ€

DataHub πŸŒ€ is a platform for rapidly creating rich data portal and publishing systems using a modern frontend approach. Datahub can be used to publish a single dataset or build a full-scale data catalog/portal.

DataHub is built in JavaScript and React on top of the popular Next.js framework. DataHub assumes a "decoupled" approach where the frontend is a separate service from the backend and interacts with backend(s) via an API. It can be used with any backend and has out of the box support for CKAN, GitHub, Frictionless Data Packages and more.


For developers