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Update CKAN example to use new portaljs components (CKAN example 2021) #563

Closed rufuspollock closed 7 months ago

rufuspollock commented 3 years ago

We already have examples/catalog and we need to bring it up to date ...




rufuspollock commented 2 years ago

@risenW i believe we have already done a bit of this? Can you confirm ...

anuveyatsu commented 2 years ago

@risenW I've already started looking into this. I'm assuming that latest work is in the main branch but if you have any work done for it, please share.

anuveyatsu commented 2 years ago

I have deployed the latest home page changes here - https://catalog-portal-js-msd63kmoe-datopian1.vercel.app/

Any idea why CSS is broken in production while it works fine in dev mode?

cc @risenW @rufuspollock

risenW commented 2 years ago

@risenW i believe we have already done a bit of this? Can you confirm ...

Yes, see https://github.com/datopian/portal.js/pull/566

risenW commented 2 years ago

I have deployed the latest home page changes here - https://catalog-portal-js-msd63kmoe-datopian1.vercel.app/

Any idea why CSS is broken in production while it works fine in dev mode?

cc @risenW @rufuspollock

It probably has to do with tailwind purging. @rufuspollock did some work https://github.com/datopian/portal.js/issues/571 and https://github.com/datopian/portal.js/commit/42638c95ad9c58dd06493ccedf869894eb894ad4 on this.

rufuspollock commented 2 years ago

@anuveyatsu any update on this?

anuveyatsu commented 2 years ago

@rufuspollock css issues mostly resolved but still fixing dataset/resource pages. Latest work is in https://catalog-portal-js-datopian1.vercel.app/

rufuspollock commented 2 years ago

@anuveyatsu great - when will this be finished and live?

[Also PS: as said last week we don't need to (re)use most of the "core" components e.g. Nav etc (that's not really needed in core). We can just create the React components in this example. Of course, stuff like Table view can be reused ...]

anuveyatsu commented 2 years ago

The latest version is deployed now:


For dataset/resource pages, please, use population and/or GDP datasets because only those are pushed to DataStore at the moment:

Note that we still have some layout/CSS issues but I think they are minor.

Re metastore lib, note that we're using Apollo client: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/link/apollo-link-rest/ so I think ckan.js doesn't work for this case, eg, we want to use CKAN API directly.

cc @rufuspollock @risenW

rufuspollock commented 7 months ago

FIXED in 2021. (And now obsoleted by a new version of ckan example).