dattalab-6-cam / multicamera_acquisition

Synchronized machine vision acquisition across multiple cameras using an arduino (Supports FLIR and Basler)
MIT License
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Microprocessor-controlled multi-camera video acquisition (Basler, Azure Kinect)

Python library for simultaneous video acquisition with Basler cameras (pypylon) and Azure Kinect cameras (pyk4a), with Baslers up to 150 Hz.

The custom library is necessary in order to interleave the Basler's frames betwee the Azure's sub-frame pulses. Acquisition is done in parallel using a microcontroller to trigger the cameras and IR lights. We use a Teensy, with a custom PCB to control the lights and send triggers to the cameras, but in theory any microcontroller that can go fast enough will work.

Separate processes exist to capture frames and write the frames to a video for each camera. In addition, we record incoming GPIOs to the microcontroller, to sync external data sources to the video frames.




The acquisition code runs anywhere you can install the required packages. As of now, that means Linux and Windows (pyk4a is broken on Macs for the moment, and the NVIDIA VPF can't be installed on Mac either).

Briefly, you will need to install the following to run this code:

Head on over to the installation instructions for a detailed explanation of how to get this code up and running.

Basic usage

See notebooks folder for examples.


Cameras (1) need to be synchronized with other data sources and (2) need to be synchronized with one another (e.g. in the case of dropped frames). We save synchronization files to account for both of these needs.


The microcontroller has a set of GPIOs dedicated to pulse input that can recieve input from an external synchronization device. Detected changes in the state of these input pins are logged in to a triggerdata.csv file that saves:


The metadata.csv files are created for each individual camera.

frame_id frame_timestamp frame_image_uid queue_size line_status
0 0 287107751173672 1.682741e+09 0 1
1 1 287107760205712 1.682741e+09 0 1
2 3 287108770139128 1.682741e+09 0 0
3 4 287108780126528 1.682741e+09 0 0

Aligning frames

The parameter max_video_frames determines how many video frames are written to a video before creating a new video. For each recording, video clips will be max_video_frames frames long, but may drift from one another when frames are lost in each video. To align frames, we use the metadata files for each camera.

Video duration

The parameter max_video_frames determines how many video frames are written to a video before creating a new video. For each recording, video clips will be max_video_frames frames long, but may drift from one another when frames are lost in each video, thus video frames need to be re-aligned in post processing.

Video naming scheme.

Videos are named as {camera_name}.{camera_serial_number}.{frame_number}.avi, for example Top.22181547.30001.avi. Here, frame_number corresponds to the the frame_id value in the {camera_name}.{camera_serial_number}.metadata.csv file.


Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience