Latacora 2018 Recommendations
- https://latacora.micro.blog/2018/04/03/cryptographic-right-answers.html
- Encrypting data: kms or xsalsa20+poly1305
- Symmetric key length: 256-bit keys
- Symmetric “signatures”: hmac
- Hashing algorithm: sha-2, or sha-512/256
- Random ID's: 256-bit random numbers, from
- Password handling: scrypt, argon2, bcrypt, or PBKDF2.
- Asymmetric encryption: nacl/libsodium (box / crypto_box)
- Asymmetric signatures: nacl or ed25519
- Diffie-Hellman: nacl or curve25519
- Website security: aws alb/elb or openssl w/ letsencrypt
- Client-server application security: aws alb/elb or openssl w/ letsencrypt
- Online backups: tarsnap
- uses /dev/urandom on mac & linux
- randomBytes.sync - returns a length-based random bytes
- randomBytes.async - returns a length-based random bytes
- returns - Promise of String
const { randomBytes } = require('@davalapar/crypto');
Base32-encoded HOTP key
- hotpKey - returns a Base32-encoded 16-byte / 128-bit key
const { hotpKey } = require('@davalapar/crypto');
const key = hotpKey();
HMAC-based one-time password (HOTP)
- hotpCode - returns a code from algo, key, and counter
- algo - String
- key - String
- isBase32Key - Boolean
- counter - Integer
- callStack - String, Optional
- returns - String
const { hotpCode, hotpKey } = require('@davalapar/crypto');
const key = hotpKey();
const code = hotpCode('sha1', key, true, 1);
Time-based one-time password (TOTP)
- totpCode - returns a code from algo, key, and timeCounter; where timeCounter is a counter value based on the thirty-second windows of the unix time
- algo - String
- key - String
- isBase32Key - Boolean
- timeCounter - Integer
- callStack - String, Optional
- returns - String
- totpVerify - returns a validation result of code from algo, key, code, and tolerance; where tolerance is the amount of previous windows to be also considered as valid
- algo - String
- key - String
- isBase32Key - Boolean
- code - String
- tolerance - Integer, Optional
- callStack - String, Optional
- returns - Boolean
const { totpCode, totpVerify, hotpKey } = require('@davalapar/crypto');
const key = hotpKey();
const timeCounter = Math.floor(Math.round(Date.now() / 1000) / 30);
const code = totpCode('sha1', key, true, timeCounter);
const isCodeValid = totpVerify('sha1', key, true, code);
Accepted algorithms for HOTP & TOTP
- sha1
- sha224
- sha256
- sha3-224
- sha3-256
- sha3-384
- sha3-512
- sha384
- sha512
- sha512-224
- sha512-256
- scryptKey - returns a derived key
- password - String
- salt - Buffer
- returns - Promise, Buffer
- scryptSalt - returns a 32-byte / 256-bit salt
const { scryptKey, scryptSalt } = require('./index');
const salt = scryptSalt();
const derivedKey = await scryptKey('password', salt);
console.log('salt:', salt.toString('hex'));
console.log('key:', derivedKey.toString('hex'));
MIT | @davalapar