Bookmind does remember your your reading history and book collection. When your books exceed your memory, Bookmind can help. If you've found yourself wondering if you own or read #13 in that series, you need Bookmind.
Bookmind doesn't:
Bookmind does infrequently show ads. If these ads generate enough revenue, we'll use it to add new features. So if you love Bookmind and want a feature added, tell your friends about the app!
Now available on the app store! You will need an iPhone with iOS 17.0 or higher. I hope to add iPad and macOS support soon.
The nearly complete source code for Bookmind is stored in this public repository. You can see my coding style in every line, I wrote it all. The commit history and project demonstrate my development process, from de-risking to identifying and prioritizing tasks. Always tackle the biggest unknowns first.
The nearly complete source here demonstrates Swift, SwiftUI, Swift Data and VisionKit. I have not set a license for the code, so it is all copyrighted. But I do hope you find it instructive to see some of the workarounds required when you implement something more serious than the sample code provided for these technologies.
To run the app you will need