dave-s477 / SoMeNLP

Information Extraction for Software Mentions in Scientific articles
MIT License
4 stars 2 forks source link


SoMeNLP provides functionality for performing information extraction for software mentions in scientific articles. Implemented are: Named Entity Recognition, Relation Extraction and Entity Disambiguation.

Up to now it has been trained on the SoMeSci dataset (available from zenodo or github) and applied on the PMC OA Subset for information extraction.


SoMeNLP is structured as a Python package containing code and command line scripts. It is crucial that Python >= 3.6 is used because the insertion order of dictionaries has to be retained.

The package can be installed by:

git clone https://github.com/dave-s477/SoMeNLP
cd SoMeNLP
pip install .

or for an editable installation

pip install -e .

There is a long list of dependencies that come with the install: gensim, pytorch, tensorboard, articlenizer, pandas, numpy, beautifulsoup, wiktextract, wget, NLTK, scikit-learn, transformers, SPARQLWrapper, and python-levenshtein.

Word Embeddings

Word embeddings are required to run the Bi-LSTM-CRF named entity recognition model. There are two options for getting an word embedding:

  1. Use a publicly available one: wikipedia-pubmed-and-PMC-w2v.bin from http://evexdb.org/pmresources/vec-space-models/
  2. Train a new one, for instance, on the PMC OA subset: JATS files are available from https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/pmc/oa_bulk/ and can be extracted and preprocessed with articlenizer:
    parse_JATS --in-path path/PMC_OA_JATS_folder/ --out-path path/PMC_OA_Text_folder --ncores 60
    articlenizer_prepro --in-path path/PMC_OA_Text_folder --out-path path/PMC_OA_prepro --ncores 60 
    train_word_emb --in-path path/PMC_OA_prepro --out-path data/word_embs/ --ncores 60



As data input format BRAT standoff-format is assumed. It needs to be first transformed into data suited for the models described below. This can be done by:

brat_to_bio --in-path data/minimal_example/text/ --out-path data/minimal_example/bio

The data also needs to be split into training, development and test set.

split_data --in-path data/minimal_example/bio/ --out-path data/minimal_example/

and after SoMeSci was downloaded and BRAT folders were extracted/copied to data:

brat_to_bio --in-path data/PLoS_sentences --out-path data/PLoS_sentences_bio/ --ncores 4
mv data/PLoS_sentences_bio/ data/PLoS_sentences

brat_to_bio --in-path data/PLoS_methods --out-path data/PLoS_methods_bio --ncores 4
split_data --in-path data/PLoS_methods_bio --out-path data/PLoS_methods 

brat_to_bio --in-path data/Pubmed_fulltext --out-path data/Pubmed_fulltext_bio --ncores 4
split_data --in-path data/Pubmed_fulltext_bio --out-path data/Pubmed_fulltext 

brat_to_bio --in-path data/Creation_sentences --out-path data/Creation_sentences_bio --ncores 4
split_data --in-path data/Creation_sentences_bio --out-path data/Creation_sentences 

Note that PLoS_sentences is entirely used for training and not split


Training can be performed by running bin/train_models. Hyper-parameter optimization with bin/tune_model. Required configurations are available in configurations.

Bi-LSTM (with custom features)

Generating custom features additionally to word embeddings:

custom_feature_gen --in-path data/PLoS_methods/ --out-path data/PLoS_methods/
custom_feature_gen --in-path data/PLoS_sentences/ --out-path data/PLoS_sentences/
custom_feature_gen --in-path data/Pubmed_fulltext/ --out-path data/Pubmed_fulltext/
custom_feature_gen --in-path data/Creation_sentences/ --out-path data/Creation_sentences/

(to updated distant supervision info run: bin/distant_supervision)

Running the Bi-LSTM-CRF:

train_model --model-config configurations/PMC/NER/gold_feature_LSTM.json --data-config configurations/SoMeSci/named_entity_recognition/SoMeSci_data_software.json

The Bi-LSTM is set up to consider only one of the potential tasks.


Download pretrained SciBERT (or BioBERT) model from Huggingface, for instance by:

mkdir data/pretrained && cd data/pretrained
git lfs clone https://huggingface.co/allenai/scibert_scivocab_cased

Running SciBERT on a single task by re-train the model:

train_model --model-config configurations/PMC/NER/gold_SciBERT_final.json --data-config configurations/PMC/NER/gold_data_SciBERT_final.json

Running SciBERT on multiple tasks:

train_model --model-config configurations/PMC/NER/gold_multi_opt2_SciBERT.json --data-config configurations/PMC/NER/gold_data_multi_opt2_SciBERT.json