dave92082 / bs-patch

MIT License
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Bluesound BluOS Controller Builder

This CLI tool will download the latest BluOS Controller software from www.bluesound.com/downloads and then patch it for Linux and build a Snap and AppImage package.

This is in response for the desire to be able to run the BluOS Controller software on linux though Bluesound does not officially release a Linux version


In order for this CLI tool to work correctly, you must have NodeJS installed on your system. You can use any method you desire, however since there are sevearl methods that people choose to use based on their preference, this CLI takes a configuration parameter to the path of your chosen nodejs bin folder

The simplest way to install the latest stable version of NodeJS is to use NVM. Follow the steps avaialble at the NVM Install readme

Once NodeJS is installed on your system use the following command to find the path to your NodeJS bin folder:

$ which npm

When configuring this cli tool, in the config.yaml file, place the path to the node bin folder.

Example config.yaml:

nodeBinPath: "/home/david/.nvm/versions/node/v14.3.0/bin/"

In the future I may try to add an auto-detection of this. For now this was quick and easy.

Running the tool

Once you have NodeJS set up, simply download the bs-patch tool from the Releases section of this repository, create your config.yaml file, and then execute the tool:

  1. Download the release
  2. Extract the bs-patch binary
  3. Execute which npm
  4. Copy the path to the bin folder
  5. Create a file named config.yaml in the same folder as the bs-patch binary
  6. Execute ./bs-patch
  7. (hopefully) Enjoy your new BluOS Controller app on Linux
$ ./bs-patch 
INFO[0000] Reading config.yaml                          
INFO[0000] Finding Latest BluOS Controller              
INFO[0002] Downloading Latest BlueOS controller: https://www.bluesound.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/BluOS-Controller-3.12.1.dmg 
Downloading... 98 MB complete      
INFO[0008] Extracting BlueOS Controller DMG             
INFO[0010] Extracting ASAR                              
INFO[0011] Patching electron.js                         
INFO[0011] Patching app.js - Update Check               
INFO[0011] Patching app.js - Update Platform            
INFO[0011] Adding electron dependency                   
INFO[0028] Adding electron-builder dependency           
INFO[0038] Building Snap and AppImage                   
INFO[0046] Cleaning up 

A new folder named dist will be created and contain the Snap and AppImage files. Enjoy!