davegurnell / bridges

Generate bindings for Scala types in other programming languages.
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Generate bindings for Scala types in other programming languages.

Copyright 2017-2019 Dave Gurnell. Licensed Apache 2.0.


Build Status Coverage status Maven Central

Getting Started

Grab the code by adding the following to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.davegurnell" %% "bridges" % "<<VERSION>>"


Render Typescript/Flow Declarations for Scala ADTs

First, create a simple data model:

final case class Color(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int)

sealed abstract class Shape extends Product with Serializable
final case class Circle(radius: Double, color: Color) extends Shape
final case class Rectangle(width: Double, height: Double, color: Color) extends Shape

The bridges.typescript and bridges.flow packages expose similar APIs for encoding ADTs as structural types.

The decl[Foo] method creates an object representing a type declaration for Foo.

The render(...) method writes a list of declaration objects to a String in the relevant target language. Here's an example for Typescript:

import bridges.typescript._
import bridges.typescript.syntax._

// res1: String =
// export interface Color {
//   red: number;
//   green: number;
//   blue: number;
// };
// export interface Circle {
//   radius: number;
//   color: Colo;
// };
// export interface Rectangle {
//   width: number;
//   height: number;
//   color: Color;
// };
// export type Shape =
//   {
//     type: "Circle",
//     radius: number,
//     color: Color
//   } |
//   {
//     type: "Rectangle",
//     width: number,
//     height: number,
//     color: Color
//   };

Simply replace the imports to target Flow instead:

import bridges.flow._
import bridges.flow.syntax._


The syntax packages also provide a simple DSL for defining structural types directly:

import bridges.typescript._
import bridges.typescript.TsType._
import bridges.typescript.syntax._

val logMessage: TsDecl =
    "level" --> union(lit("error"), lit("warning")),
    text    --> Str

// res0: String =
// export interface LogMessage {
//   level: "error" | "warning";
//   text: string;
// };

You can even create generic types using the DSL, which is something the shapeless derivation currently can't handle:

import bridges.typescript._
import bridges.typescript.TsType._
import bridges.typescript.syntax._

val pair: TsDecl =
  decl("Pair", "A", "B")(struct(
    "head" --> Ref("A"),
    "tail" --> Ref("B"),

// res0: String =
// export interface Pair<A, B> {
//   head: A;
//   tail: B;
// };

Render Elm Definitions and JSON Codecs for Scala ADTs

The bridges.elm package generates type definitions and JSON codecs for Elm:

To avoid circular references, Elm.buildFile can generate a single file for a list of declarations.

If you want to use any of the JSON encoders or decoders generated by the project you need to do the following:

NOTE: automatic encoder and decoder generation doesn't work for types with Generics. You will need to manually create your own.

Working with Refined types

If you are interested in this library you are most likely using Refined.

We have provided a default encoder for refined types. It will defaults to the basic type associated with the refined type. For example:

This should cover most (if not all) use cases of refined types when converting to other languages. You can still override the default encoder with your own higher-precedence encoder.

You can see an example of this in tests for class ClassWithRefinedType.
