davenonymous / BonsaiTrees

A Minecraft mod adding a block that grows small trees
MIT License
42 stars 64 forks source link

[1.12.2] [Request] More Trees for Bonsai #22

Closed Skaphegor closed 2 years ago

Skaphegor commented 6 years ago

I'm hijacking this issue to summarize all requested/fulfilled mods:

Mohron commented 6 years ago

EvilCraft (Undead Sapling) https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/evilcraft

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Hm, can we suggest trees via this?

Erebus, Terraqueous, and The Betweenlands could all benefit from this.

winsrp commented 6 years ago

Is Biomes o Plenty included here?...

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago


Thaumcraft (It will be out on 1.12.2 for the general public very soon)

hron84 commented 6 years ago

AFAIK twilight trees are supported.

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Tropicraft could be added too

WhisperFire26 commented 6 years ago

Can you add Thamucraft trees to this request list? That would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

hron84 commented 6 years ago

@WhisperFire26 see #40

samtrion commented 6 years ago

Traverse - https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/traverse

Xemnes-Keyethkateth commented 6 years ago

Hey, I've added the spectre trees from random things but i have no clue how to do a pull request.

I will upload it here for for now, if there is another way to submit it for the mod let me know and I will do so.

Random things spectre trees.zip

zzzqh commented 6 years ago

Is that mean compatibility for Terraqueous have completed? But in present version I still need to add the trees by myself

Eogen commented 6 years ago

Sorry to jump onto bandwagon here, but Terraqueous, while listed in the supported mod list, does not seem to be on by default. Before I started doing them myself, is there something I am missing?

And on the suggestion list, EnderLilly and RedOrchid from Extrautils would be nice, if slightly off-theme.


Lookin in the repo, it appears that the release version on Curse is from May, and the Terraqueous models were added more recently than that. I don't know if there is a curse-update due, but in theory it should only be a matter of copying the types and shape files from the repo into your install's config directory.

davenonymous commented 6 years ago

The version including Terraqueous support is not yet released. There are some major changes in the mod that required more testing than usual.

I'll upload a new release to curseforge soon.

drakray commented 6 years ago

@thraaawn is it the same for Natura? AFAIK I can't plant them on BP(don't show in JEI at least)

EDIT: Natura Nether tree, which I saw in your other post to wait for a "In the Nether" way. Could that just use your new function of Soil, and use Netherrack, so they could be planted in Overworld though? maybe a config?

MokahTGS commented 6 years ago

As far as I've seen, Natura Trees from the Nether don't work in the pots. I like the idea of adding support for them using netherack as the soil.

Eogen commented 6 years ago

I have loaded the shapes and types files into the current version, and the Terraqueous trees are working fine (AFAIK) with the existing release.

@thraaawn -- thanks for all that you do.

davenonymous commented 6 years ago

@drakray, @MokahTGS, that's why netherrack is already integrated as a valid soil type. Would one of you like to try creating the type and shape files for the trees you'd like supported and create a pull request here?

brisingraerowing commented 5 years ago

I'm in the process of creating compat files for Plants2, Douglas Forest, and Novam Teram. I have Plants2 and Douglas Forest type files completed, and I'm working on the many Novam Teram saplings (which is going to take a bit as they use mostly vanilla blocks, so I have to grow them to see what blocks they use). I'll do a PR with those when I've finished them and generated the shape files.

brisingraerowing commented 5 years ago

Well, I got the type files created, but the mod will only generate shapes for the first two in the directory.

NovaViper commented 5 years ago

Any chance for Dynamic Trees?

eikotehmouse commented 5 years ago

What's the ETA on adding Plants Mod saplings and NetherEx?

ArnicaxRoss commented 5 years ago

Hi. Would it be possible to request Maiden's Marvelous Materials to the bonsai list for future updates, please? And the trees from Floricraft?

Kashechum commented 5 years ago

Would Pixelmon Apricorns be an option? I'm sure anyone that plays with that mod would love a good way to automate them.

xGarionx commented 5 years ago

Betweenlands would be a nice additions ( i tried make the bonsai json/textures today but they dont seem to like each other all to much)

MasterSloth1 commented 5 years ago

Plants 2.zip The Between lands.zip Advanced Rocketry.zip

hope these 3 are up to your standards 😄

Rogue238 commented 5 years ago

This is probably one of my very favorite mods. I've added quite a few trees, but like Xemnes-Keyethkateth, I have no idea how to do a pull request. I've tried, but I'm new to GitHub. I have tested all of them and they did work. So, here is my contribution and I hope someone finds this useful:

bonsaitrees-chinjufumod.zip bonsaitrees-fossil.zip bonsaitrees-quark.zip bonsaitrees-PamsRedbud.zip bonsaitrees-PamsSpooky.zip bonsaitrees-StygianEnd.zip bonsaitrees-Zoestria.zip bonsaitrees-afraidofthedark.zip bonsaitrees-defiled.zip bonsaitrees-evilcraft.zip bonsaitrees-Midnight.zip bonsaitrees-spookybiomes.zip bonsaitrees-TolkienTweaksMobs.zip bonsaitrees-Aether.zip bonsaitrees-erebus.zip

Imrald commented 5 years ago

What about adding to the list mods like Project Vibrant Journey by solis_nova123 and WildNature by matez? I'm not able to do it myself but maybe there's someone else who is interested in and has the capability to. Have a nice day everyone!

LlubNek commented 4 years ago

I added shapes and types for the following trees: forbidden_arcanus:cherrywood forbidden_arcanus:mysterywood evilcraft:undead extrautils2:ironwood advancedrocketry:alien quark:swampoak quark:blossoming silentgear:netherwood

just extract this to config/bonsaitrees: bonsaitrees.zip

hron84 commented 4 years ago

I think Heartstone mystical tree needs a shape too. In Glacial Awakening, the modpack creator already done the most of work, the tricky problem is that tree does not have a specific sapling (you grow it by using a magical item on any - vanilla? - sapling), GA creator added a ContentTweaker sapling item for work it around. I'm considering opening a ticket for the mod to add an optional sapling for the compatibility, but first I wanted to pop this topic up here to see if there is any alternative idea to support it.

hron84 commented 4 years ago

Btw, as soon as I have some spare time, I will construct a pull request after some playtesting the uploaded shapes.

Rogue238 commented 4 years ago

That's really great of you.

I haven't played around with Heartstone, but I like you idea. Perhaps, you could right-click the item on any planted bonsai pot and it would change to the mystical tree.

hron84 commented 4 years ago

@Rogue238 I don't think Bonsai pots has a special interaction like this.

Rogue238 commented 4 years ago

I wish I knew more about java and modding. It would be nice be able to create a mod specifically to provide that interaction - a compatibility mod.

Shadow907G commented 4 years ago

Any chance of apricorn trees from pixelmon reforged i would add them but dont understand how to

gaminggirl commented 4 years ago

Can I add a wish to, Candy World saplings

Imrald commented 4 years ago

What about adding support for Project: Vibrant journey's trees?

Shinino commented 4 years ago

So: What is needed to make trees from other mods compatible? I'm right there with the above about wanting support for Project: Vibrant Journey's trees as well.

Rogue238 commented 4 years ago

It's not hard to make the trees compatible. It's just editing a json file and going into a creative world to save the shapes. I have fun doing it. You can make the trees drop whatever you want.

Imrald commented 4 years ago

What if i first use the command /bonsaitree SaveTreeShape to save the shapes and then edit the json files? It works the same?

Rogue238 commented 4 years ago

There's two json files, a type file and a shape file. I always save the tree shape first and then edit that file, but the type file has to be edited by hand. I tend to use a prewritten file and just change what I need.

Imrald commented 4 years ago

Could post an example of the prewritten file? I don't really know how i have to edit the type json. Or it's a file available somewhere else?

Rogue238 commented 4 years ago

This is probably one of my very favorite mods. I've added quite a few trees, but like Xemnes-Keyethkateth, I have no idea how to do a pull request. I've tried, but I'm new to GitHub. I have tested all of them and they did work. So, here is my contribution and I hope someone finds this useful:

bonsaitrees-chinjufumod.zip bonsaitrees-fossil.zip bonsaitrees-quark.zip bonsaitrees-PamsRedbud.zip bonsaitrees-PamsSpooky.zip bonsaitrees-StygianEnd.zip bonsaitrees-Zoestria.zip bonsaitrees-afraidofthedark.zip bonsaitrees-defiled.zip bonsaitrees-evilcraft.zip bonsaitrees-Midnight.zip bonsaitrees-spookybiomes.zip bonsaitrees-TolkienTweaksMobs.zip bonsaitrees-Aether.zip bonsaitrees-erebus.zip

Just unzip any of these zip files I've already made up and check them out. There's numerous types examples if you download them all. There was a wiki on this site a while back that taught how to do it, but I can't find the link any more. One thing you need to be sure of it the "type" of tree is the same in the type and the shape file. I'm bad at explaining. In the type file, you can say which sapling you want to plant and what it will drop (STICK, WOOD, LEAVES, SAPLING, FRUIT, or CUSTOM). In the shape file, you can tell what it will look like when it grows in the pot. You can do that manually, but I recommend using the saveTreeShape command.

I forgot to mention in the first post that I don't care if someone else uses the json files I created, even for their own modpack. Most of it was just editing the original files in the jar, anyway.

Shinino commented 2 years ago

Given that this hasn't been updated in a while (and the mod hasn't been updated in 18 months+), how would one add those zip files to make it work? Or is this something that has to be done via java?

Rogue238 commented 2 years ago

Given that this hasn't been updated in a while (and the mod hasn't been updated in 18 months+), how would one add those zip files to make it work? Or is this something that has to be done via java?

Mine are set up so you can just add them directly into your instance folder when you unzip them. It should look like this:

(Your game instance path) .../config ....../ bonsaitrees ........./shapes.d ............/modname_treename001.json ............/modname_treename002.json ........./soils.d ............/modname_soilname.json ........./types.d ............/modname_treename.json ........./ setting.cfg

I'm sorry if this isn't very clear. Let me know if you have any problems installing them.

Shinino commented 2 years ago

Appreciate it. I'm going to test it now, then figure out what other mods in the pack I'm using (RAD) need trees and see if it's something I can puzzle out. If not, I'll add the list here, and hopefully smarter people can help :)

Anyone know where MC saves the json files when I create shapes?

Shinino commented 2 years ago

So after testing, these all work, but I'm having an issue trying to get the remaining trees for RAD (ones from Caverns II, Rustic, The Twilight Forest, TropicCraft and Unique Items).

1) I don't know where it saves the JSON 2) How do you get the tree-type-ID? I can get the sapling ID (and log/leaves) by looking at them in game -- but not the tree type ID. If I have that, I might be able to get those five mods going as well.

Shinino commented 2 years ago

This is probably one of my very favorite mods. I've added quite a few trees, but like Xemnes-Keyethkateth, I have no idea how to do a pull request. I've tried, but I'm new to GitHub. I have tested all of them and they did work. So, here is my contribution and I hope someone finds this useful: bonsaitrees-Aether.zip

So the trees in the Aether are ... not right.

Skyroot Trees drop regular sticks, while Golden Oak trees drop Skyroot sticks, Skyroot logs, as well as other stuff. I can fix this on my end (moving Skyroot sticks to Skyroot trees as well as the logs) and adding leaves and such. Ideas?

I think part of the issue is that the item IDs are very generic -- the Skyroot leaves are aether_leaves, the Skyroot logs are aether_log -- instead of Skyroot_leaves/Skyroot_logs. The same applies with the Golden Oak -- so part of the problem is not with the JSON files, but with Aether's naming convention. I can definitely ping them to see if anything can be done. I would definitely say that instead of skyroot_stick, though, the golden oak should just drop 'stick'.

Shinino commented 2 years ago

So back to Skyroot: They should drop White Apples as well. So Skyroot Logs (good luck to us there), Skyroot Stick (easy), Skyroot leaves (good luck) and White Apples (easy, I think).

Golden Oak: Golden Oak Wood (ha), Golden Oak leaves (also ha), normal sticks (easy) and the Golden whatever it is (not in game, already drops it). I'll do some tweaking, and if I can get it working, I'll post the file here for everyone.

Rogue238 commented 2 years ago

I am so sorry! I just saw you posted! Busy few days for me irl.

In the game, there are commands to save the tree. It's been awhile. I've been taking a break from Minecraft. So, you save the tree in game and the json will appear in the shapes.d folder. There will be a tree ID in there under name. You can change it, but it needs to be the same in the types.d json.

As for the ID, no, they aren't generic. They have data IDs as well. It will only drop the specific item you tell it too. I use JEI to check the data, which is sometimes called damage ID for some reason.

Fill free to make all the files work for you. I may have forgotten the white apples come from Skyroot Trees. lol Sorry. The golden amber is a very rare drop from chopping down the Golden Oak tree. I used Skyroot sticks because the Golden Oak drops Skyroot logs in the game. It should drop both Skyroot logs and Golden Oak logs, though.

Most of the trees in Twilight Forest should work naturally. The problem is the big trees are too big to make the shape files look nice. I have tried several times. It just cuts them off and they look weird.

I have to go get ready for work, but I'll check in when I get home.

Shinino commented 2 years ago

Right, I think the issue with Aether trees is that Aether -itself- has bad naming on those trees, not anything with Bonsai. I can fix some of the drops for them, but I can't guarantee the wood/leaves for that reason.