daveshah / gatherto

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Gatherto Build Status Built with Spacemacs

Inspired by the fact that 97% of the time, I run alone

My hope is that this will scratch 2 of my current itches:

I have some basic ideas for features I'd like to see in this. If you have any, I'd love to hear them - just create a new issue :).

Developer Setup

Google Authentication

The Ueberauth documentation is very helpful, but the Google side of things is a bit difficult to follow. When you follow their link to the Google Developer Console, you need to create an account that is linked to a credit card. Next, you need to enable the Google+ API. From there, you need to configure the credentials. Set up the OAuth consent screen and generate OAuth credentials for your development environment. Add http://localhost:4000/auth/google/callback as the authorized callback URL. Lastly, you should export the credentials as GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables. Start up your server and test the google login functionality.

Google Maps

Again, the Google side of things is a bit annoying. If you've setup the above (Google Authentication) you should be able to navigate to the credentials page for your account. Select 'Create credentials', 'API key', and choose 'Browser key'. You can name this as you see fit. This will generate a key which you should export as GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY. In your dashboard, you'll also want to enable the following APIs: Google Places API Web Service, Google Maps javascript API, Google Maps Directions API, Google Maps Elevation API, and Google Maps Geocoding API.