davewhiiite / solana-ms

Adventures in multisignature schemes using solana-cli
MIT License
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Adventures in multisignature schemes using solana-cli


Open source, under MIT license


Solana-ms is currently just a set of command line scripts to demonstrate how to create a multi-signature wallet, for robust storage and retrieval of SOL, or any SPL token, including NFTs.


Multiple-signature ("multisig") wallets and transactions, offer enhanced security and redundancy features over those that rely on a single signature. Also known as threshold wallets, the multisig configuration relies on having a quorum of signers, such as 2 out of 3, 3/5, 4/9 (m of n, generally) in order to complete a transaction. The benefits are many, including:


  1. These scripts are run in a Linux / BASH environment.
  2. You will need to have solana-cli installed and working in order to use the program: solana-cli


The program relies on software within the spl-token program in order to create a multisig wallet. This is being repurposed for storage and transfer of wrapped SOL, or any other SPL token; the program is intended to be used for multisig control of an SPL token mint authority. The Demo programs take SOL from a single-key wallet, wraps it as an SPL (token address = So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112), then sends to the spl-token multisig address. Finally, to demonstrate retrieval, a signing ritual is performed to transfer the wrapped SOL from the multisig account back to the original sender, and unwraps back to native SOL.

How to run

    $ chmod +x *.sh
    $ make online-signers-demo
    $ make clean # WARNING! deletes any keypair files in the current directory (rm *.json)!
    $ make offline-signers-demo

Presigner error issue

You can see that in the offline signing method, where the signatures are accumulated separately, using the --sign-only flag the result when attempting the transfer with combined signatures fails with "presigner error" message. Conversely, if you have all of the signatures in one place (see: multisig_w_online_signers_demo.sh), the transaction goes through.


The code here is open source, and I welcome anybody who is interested in this use case to contribute.