BASIC AUTH for Mantis.
- add a .htaccess file that takes care of authentication.
- after successfull authentication $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] should contain the username of the authenticated user.
- this plugin checks if the username exists in the mantis user DB and logs the user in.
- since the remote users often do not exist in the local mantis db you can configure this plugin to auto create remote users. (see example config)
- copy directory BasicAuth into the plugins directory.
- login as Administrator and go to Manage > Plugins, activate BasicAuth plugin.
Example config_inc.php
$g_login_method = BASIC_AUTH;
$g_sso_auto_create_remote_user = ON; // auto create remote user if it doesn't exist in mantis DB
$g_logout_redirect_page = $g_default_home_page; // "bypass" mantis login
$g_allow_signup = OFF;