davidaurelio / TouchScroll

TouchScroll is a JavaScript- and CSS 3-based scroller for devices using Webkit Mobile. It is meant to mimic “native” scrolling feeling and behavior as much as possible.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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scroll getting "stuck" #14

Open chrisdrackett opened 13 years ago

chrisdrackett commented 13 years ago

on an iOS device with footer buttons (iphone, ipod touch) I've found an issue where if you start scrolling and then lift your finger after its in the "footer button" area, the scroll will get stuck its its last position. This problem only seems to be with the footer buttons, the header (nav bar) does not seem to have an affect on scrolling.

davidaurelio commented 13 years ago

Did you test in Safari Mobile (with bottom bar) or in fullscreen mode? When you slide the finger onto the browsers native bar, no event is fired and it seems to be impossible to detect it …

chrisdrackett commented 13 years ago

ah, that is what I'm talking about. We are hopefully going to be able to get most people to install our app :)

chrisdrackett commented 13 years ago

I was playing around with sencha touch today and noticed that they don't have this issue. I think what they do (from playing with their implementation) is have an area right before the nav bar at the bottom. If the user moves their finger into this section, they "release" the scroll. This way it can't get stuck.