davidaurelio / TouchScroll

TouchScroll is a JavaScript- and CSS 3-based scroller for devices using Webkit Mobile. It is meant to mimic “native” scrolling feeling and behavior as much as possible.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
474 stars 61 forks source link


TouchScroll is a JavaScript/CSS 3-based scrolling layer for Webkit Mobile, espeacially iPhone, Android, and iPad. It allows to configure scrolling behaviour in many ways and to use fixed interface elements.


TouchScroll depends on css-beziers, a library for computations on cubic bezier curves.


To use TouchScroll you need an element with fixed height. Have a look at the demo for an elegant solution using display: -webkit-box.

The stylesheet is mandatory at the moment. It will be made optional in the future for cases when scrollbars aren’t needed.

<link rel="stylesheet" src="https://github.com/davidaurelio/TouchScroll/raw/master/touchscroll.css">
<!-- … -->
<div id="scroller">
    <!-- contents go here -->
<script src="https://github.com/davidaurelio/TouchScroll/raw/master/css-beziers.js"></script>
<script src="https://github.com/davidaurelio/TouchScroll/raw/master/touchscroll.js"></script>
    var scroller = new TouchScroll(document.querySelector("#scroller"));

To enable the elasticity/bouncing effect, add {elastic: true} as second parameter to the instantiation:

    var scroller = new TouchScroll(document.querySelector("#scroller"), {elastic: true});

Set the scroller to overflow: auto to enable scrolling in other environments.

The scroller automatically adapts its size to content changes and window resizes/orientation changes.

Limitations/Known Issues

To Do


E-Mail: da AT uxebu.com Twitter: @void_0