davidaurelio / TouchScroll

TouchScroll is a JavaScript- and CSS 3-based scroller for devices using Webkit Mobile. It is meant to mimic “native” scrolling feeling and behavior as much as possible.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Scrolling a collection of full width links #2

Closed chrisdrackett closed 14 years ago

chrisdrackett commented 14 years ago

I'm building an app with a page of links that butt up against each other and take up the full width of the page (as you would see it just about any iphone app.)

Currently the scrolling is a bit choppy with touchscroll when items have a hover or active state. This isn't a huge issue as I'm going to remove these states if the site is on mobile safari, but I thought I would at least mention it anyways.

davidaurelio commented 14 years ago

Thank you for reporting. Could you send me an example page I can test with?

chrisdrackett commented 14 years ago

sure! throwing something together now

chrisdrackett commented 14 years ago

I think this issue actually has to do with my use of background gradients + hover and active. I tried a simpler example only using background colors, and the behavior was fine.


davidaurelio commented 14 years ago

Thanks, I’ll take a look at it. I’m not sure whether this is fixable, though. Did you experience these problem on a newer device (3GS, iPad etc.) or an older model (2G, 3G)?

chrisdrackett commented 14 years ago

its on new devices (ipad, new ipod touch) I'm not going to have the hover or active states regardless, but just wanted to report anyways :)

davidaurelio commented 14 years ago

I agree it’s a rather unpleasant experience in that case, but I have no idea how to fix it (or if it’s fixable). I will set this to “Won’t fix” for the moment. Patches are very welcome, though.