davidaurelio / TouchScroll

TouchScroll is a JavaScript- and CSS 3-based scroller for devices using Webkit Mobile. It is meant to mimic “native” scrolling feeling and behavior as much as possible.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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When you focus input field on old Android - keyboard does not appear #28

Open mikegordienko-devpronet opened 11 years ago

mikegordienko-devpronet commented 11 years ago

I've the page that uses touchscroll.js and in old Androids after focusing input on the page the keyboard does not appear. The fix that helped me was to check if the properties are defined in browser

function setTransitionProperty(/HTMLElement/node){ if ('webkitTransformStyle' in document.body.style) { node.style.webkitTransformStyle = "preserve-3d"; } if ('webkitTransitionProperty' in document.body.style) { node.style.webkitTransitionProperty = "-webkit-transform"; } };