davidaurelio / TouchScroll

TouchScroll is a JavaScript- and CSS 3-based scroller for devices using Webkit Mobile. It is meant to mimic “native” scrolling feeling and behavior as much as possible.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Squeezed scrollbar looses the rounded corners #3

Open cheeaun opened 14 years ago

cheeaun commented 14 years ago

When you drag to the top or bottom of the scrollview container, a css matrix transform is applied to the scrollbar and "squeezes" it. This also squeezes the border radius. Aesthetically speaking, it just looks weird and doesn't match the one on iPhone/Pod/Pad :)

davidaurelio commented 14 years ago

I totally agree, and this issue is already on the to-do-list. It will be fixed in the next time.