davidbannon / libqt6pas

Unoffical repo for hopefully current LibQt6Pas libraries for Linux
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Unofficial libqt6pas

Don't edit this markdown file, its generated from the tomboy-ng note.

Please Note : As of early 2024, you probably need these files if you are using Lazarus 3.0 or later. Over time, the various distros will catch up and provide their own version of these libraries.

NOTE : If you have libraries installed earlier than November 25, 2022, earlier than libqt6pas6_6.2.2-2_amd64.deb then you MUST remove the old before installing the new ones (if and only if you need the new ones). See below section Names and Numbering.

Download packaged libraries (Debs, RPMs and a tar ball) for x86_64 from https://github.com/davidbannon/libqt6pas/releases/latest

The packages should work on distributions like Ubuntu 22.04, Fedora 36 and Debian Bookworm or later. Note that ones like Ubuntu 20.04 for example will not work with these libraries, their official repos do not have Qt6 or a sufficently up to date Qt6.. In practise, you need a Qt6 6.2.4 and GLibc 2.34 or later. But there are no guarantees folks ! Bookworm appears to have settled on Qt6 6.4.2

Its possible that libraries for pacman and for arm and arm64 will appear here if there seems a demand.

libqt6pas is an interface between a (Qt6) Lazarus application and the Qt6 libraries. Not all Qt6 functions are available, only those necessary for Lazarus functionality. See https://wiki.freepascal.org/Qt6_Interface

This is an unofficial copy of the libqt6pas code from the Lazarus Main (aka Trunk, master). It is very new, should be regarded as experimental but does appear to work and is extensivly tested ! At some point in time, the distros will catch up and, if you can, you should use a distro distributed verion of the library. However, its possible that the libraries here will often be ahead of your distro.

The code here will never be ahead of that inthe Lazarus trunk but will track it, superficially tested as changes are made to the relevant content in Lazarus Main.

Bug reports about the library itself should be submitted to the normal Lazarus bug tracking system, https://gitlab.com/groups/freepascal.org/lazarus/-/issues

Bug reports relating to this repository's packaging or currency should be reported here.

Names and Numbers

The main library Deb package looks a bit like this - libqt6pas6_6.2.8-1_amd64.deb and libqt6pas6-dev_6.2.8-1_amd64.deb

The "-1" is the usual debian packaging release, I'll increment that if I release new packages with same library.

Note that, in this format, which conforms to the way Debian is packaging Qt6, the '6' appears three times, each refering to the same thing ! I have moved over to this format instead of the one intially used here as I found the earlier one was much harder to get error free rpms. The change of formatting will require, the user, to remove ones in the old format before installing the new format. Sorry.

The library itself, is called libQt6Pas.so.6.2.8, note the upper case letters, its a Qt thing apparently. It will normally have symlinks from libQt6Pas.so.6.2 and libQt6Pas.so.6. If you have the -dev package installed, it will add a symlink from libQt6Pas.so

As almost all users will be using systems with later Qt6 than the origional target 6.2.3 LTS version, I'm now building this on an Ubuntu 22.04 system that uses Qt6 6.2.4. Sorry, this may bite you if you are using an earlier Qt6, if thats the case, sorry, you will need to build it your self.

Building this Library

(Info for the maintainer.)

Start with a clean U2204.

If already setup.

Then push code up to this git repo, create a new release page, assign a new (but uncreated) tag, upload the new libraries and release.


Legacy Information

Most of this no longer applies, its here just in case its helpful.

Most of this no longer applies, its here just in case its helpful.Right now, seems the only way to make a generic library package is to make the Library on a Fedora 35 box and then package on an Ubuntu 20.04 box. This is because

The Build - Fedora 35

So, its necessary to build the library on, in my case, a Fedora 35 VM, install qt6-qtbase-devel 6.2.3, pulldown the github files and -

wget https://github.com/davidbannon/libqt6pas/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

// unzip the above somewhere

cd libqt6pas-master/cbindings
qmake6 -query   // just to have a look
qmake6   // to build the Makefile
make     // build the library, slow !

Then copy the resulting library back somewhere where it can be used on build the debs, for me that my U2204m VM.

The Package - Ubuntu 20.04

Setup - sudo apt install qt6-base-dev alien rpm lintian, vim  // bit over 400Meg
Setup - a git controlled repo from github.com/davidbannon/libqt6pas

cp <The newly built library> libqt6pas-master/cbindings/.
cd libqt6pas-master/cbindings/package
// edit PACKVER in script, '1' if new release, inc if repackage
./package-lib   // Make debs, RPMs and tarball

Upload the packages, do the git stuff !

Another Approach

By using an experimental PPA we can install Qt6.2.2 (not 6.2.3) on a U2004 so, avoid the dreaded libc and get a Qt6 almost exactly as Zeljko want. So far, seems to work. This model is a credit to salvadorbs who worked out how to do this as a github action.

Now, push the changes you made to the source earlier back up to github, create a new release page and give it an appropriate version tag. Upload the files, the tag will be created when the release is published.