davidbien / lexang

Lexical Analyzer Generator Template Library
Boost Software License 1.0
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analyzer flex generator lex lexical

(this is out of date) see https://davidbien.github.io/lexang/ for up-to-date documentation

Lexical Analyzer Generator Template Library

A set of templates that allow generation of a lexical analyzer given a set of regular expressions.

Meant to be somewhat of a replacement for the good old unix lex command.

Note that this project depends on the repository https://github.com/davidbien/dgraph and https://github.com/davidbien/bienutil.


The regular expression are written in C++ code via overridden global operators declared in a namespace. Compilation generates the type structure that describes a given regular expression. A set of such regular expressions are converted into an NFA (nondiscrete finite automata) and then this NFA is converted to a DFA (discrete finite automata) and optionally optimized to the smallest possible DFA.
Most if not all of the algorithms I gleaned from the Dragon Book ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compilers:_Principles,_Techniques,_and_Tools ).

Regular Expressions:

Regular expressions are represented using a namespace in which several global operators are overridden.

Note that the usual C++ operator precedence is enforced by the compiler. I have tried to map regular expression operations to C++ operators accordingly.


Single character: Represented by the method literal(char).
Example: literal('x') matches the character 'x', literal(L'x') matches the wchar_t 'x'.
String of characters: Represented by the method litstr(char*).
Example: litstr("string") matches the string "string", litstr(L"string") matches the wchar_t "string".
Range of characters: Represented by the method litrange(char,char).
Example: litrange('a','z') matches any character in the range 'a' to 'z' inclusive.

Unary operations:

Zero or more: Represented by operator ~( regexp ).
Example: ~literal('a') will match "", "a", "aa", etc.
One or more: Represented by operator ++( regexp ).
Example: ++literal('a') will match "a", "aa", "aaa", etc.
Zero or one: Represented by operator --( regexp ).
Example: --literal('a') will match "" and "a" only.

Binary operations:

Follows: Represented by operator *( regexp, regexp ).
Example: *literal('a') literal('b') will match "ab".
Or: Represented by the bitwise OR operator |( regexp, regexp ).
literal('a') | literal('b')** will match "a" or "b".

Special operations:

Excludes: Represented by operator -( regexp, regexp ).
Example: *++literal('a') ~literal('b') - litstr('ab') will match any number of 'a's followed by 0 or more 'b's except for the string "ab".
Completes: Represented by the operator +( regexp, regexp ).
++litrange('a','z') + "zzz" will match any sequence of characters 'a' - 'z' but will stop when "zzz" is encountered.
Lookahead: Represented by operator /( regexp, regexp ).
++litrange('a','z') / litstr("--")** will match any sequence of characters 'a' to 'z' when followed by the string "--", not including the "--".

Complex example of regular expression usage:

This encodes the start of the XML regular expressions as specified some years ago (like 20 years ago).

typedef wchar_t _TyCharTokens;
typedef _TyDefaultAllocator _TyAllocator;
typedef _regexp_final< _TyCharTokens, _TyAllocator > _TyFinal;
#define l(x)    literal< _TyCharTokens >(x)
#define ls(x)   litstr< _TyCharTokens >(x)
#define lr(x,y) litrange< _TyCharTokens >(x,y)

_TyFinal Char = l(0x09) | l(0x0a) | l(0x0d) | lr(0x020,0xd7ff) | lr(0xe000,0xfffd); // [2].
_TyFinal S = ++( l(0x20) | l(0x09) | l(0x0d) | l(0x0a) ); // [3]
_TyFinal Eq = --S * l(L'=') * --S; // [25].
_TyFinal BaseChar = lr(0x0041,0xd7a3);  // [85].
_TyFinal Ideographic = lr(0x4e00,0x9fa5) | l(0x3007) | lr(0x3021,0x3029); // [86]
_TyFinal CombiningChar = lr(0x0300,0x309a); // [87]
_TyFinal Digit = lr(0x0030,0x0039) | lr(0x0660,0x0669); // [88]
_TyFinal Extender = l(0x00b7) | l(0x02d0);  // [89].
_TyFinal Letter = BaseChar | Ideographic;   // [84].
_TyFinal NameChar = Letter | Digit | l(L'.') | l(L'-') | l(L'_') | l(L':') | CombiningChar | Extender; // [4]

_TyFinal Name = ( Letter | l(L'_') | l(L':') ) * ~NameChar; // [5]
_TyFinal PITarget = Name - ( ( ( l(L'x') | l(L'X') ) * ( l(L'm') | l(L'M') ) * ( l(L'l') | l(L'L') ) ) );
_TyFinal NCNameChar = Letter | Digit | l(L'.') | l(L'-') | l(L'_') | CombiningChar | Extender;  // namespace support
_TyFinal NCName = ( Letter | l(L'_') ) * ~NCNameChar;
_TyFinal Prefix = NCName;
_TyFinal LocalPart = NCName;

_TyFinal QName = Prefix * --( l(L':') * LocalPart );
_TyFinal DefaultAttName = ls(L"xmlns");
_TyFinal PrefixedAttName = ls(L"xmlns:") * NCName;
_TyFinal NSAttName = PrefixedAttName | DefaultAttName;
_TyFinal EntityRef = l(L'&') * Name * l(L';'); // [49]
_TyFinal CharRef = ls(L"&#") * ++lr(L'0',L'9') * l(L';') 
                 | ls(L"&#x") * ++( lr(L'0',L'9') | lr(L'A',L'F') | lr(L'a',L'f') ) * l(L';'); // [66]
_TyFinal Reference = EntityRef | CharRef;   // [67]
_TyFinal AVCharNoAmperLessDouble = l(0x09) | l(0x0a) | l(0x0d) |    // Char - '&' - '<' - '"'
                                   lr(0x020,0x021) | lr(0x023,0x025) | lr(0x027,0x03b) | lr(0x03d,0xd7ff) 
                                   | lr(0xe000,0xfffd);
_TyFinal AVCharNoAmperLessSingle = l(0x09) | l(0x0a) | l(0x0d) |    // Char - '&' - '<' - '\''
                                   lr(0x020,0x025) | lr(0x028,0x03b) | lr(0x03d,0xd7ff) 
                                   | lr(0xe000,0xfffd);
_TyFinal AttValue = l(L'\"') * ~( AVCharNoAmperLessDouble | Reference ) * l(L'\"')  // [10]
                  | l(L'\'') * ~( AVCharNoAmperLessSingle | Reference ) * l(L'\'');
_TyFinal Attribute = NSAttName * Eq * AttValue // [41]
                   | QName * Eq * AttValue;

_TyFinal PI = ls(L"") | ( S * ( ~Char + ls(L"?>") ) ) );
_TyFinal CharNoMinus =  l(0x09) | l(0x0a) | l(0x0d) // [2].
                     | lr(0x020,0x02c) | lr(0x02e,0xd7ff) | lr(0xe000,0xfffd);
// note: extra '\' to allow display in git markup - it gets converted to XML 
//   and then interpreted as a commment - bug in git markup - should be in CDATA section:
_TyFinal Comment = ls(L"<\!--") * ~( CharNoMinus | ( l(L'-') * CharNoMinus ) ) * ls(L"-->");
_TyFinal MixedBegin = l(L'(') * --S * ls(L"#PCDATA");
_TyFinal Mixed = MixedBegin * ~( --S * l(L'|') * --S * Name ) * --S * ls(L")*") |
                 MixedBegin * --S * l(L')'); // [51].

Actions and triggers.

Actions: Are associated with final productions.

Triggers: Triggers are placed inline within a regular expression.

Conversion to NFA, DFA and optimized DFA:

Regular expressions are represented using a namespace in which several global operators are overridden.