davidbrai / github_comments_tracker

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github comments tracker

Build Status

Create a file named local_config.py and override the default settings in config.py:

#You need to create a new github application at this URL: https://github.com/settings/applications/new
#Then you should copy the keys from the app you created: "Client ID" to the consumer_key and "Client Secret" to the consumer_secret

    'consumer_key': '<github app client id>',
    'consumer_secret': '<github app client key>'

DEBUG = True

# could be any string you want. this is used by flask to encrypt stuff
SECRET_KEY = 'development key'

# choose whichever name you want for the mongodb name
MONGO_DB = 'github_comments'

# enter the relative path to your repo. example: github.com/davidbrai/github_comment_tracker -> davidbrai/github_comment_tracker
REPO_TO_FETCH = 'set your repo'

Running tests:

nosetests tests/

Running the server:

python app.py