davidduffett / Moolah

Easy card payment processing for .NET
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An easy to use library for e-commerce payment processing in .NET.

Support is currently provided for:

You can also install using NuGet:

  PM> Install-Package Moolah


Through Code

The examples below show how configuration of merchant credentials can be injected at runtime through code.

App.Config or Web.Config

You also have the option of placing these values in your web.config or app.config file:

    <section name="Moolah" type="Moolah.MoolahConfiguration, Moolah"/>

<Moolah xmlns="urn:MoolahConfiguration">
    <DataCashMoTo environment="Test" merchantId="motoMerchantId" password="motoPassword" />
    <DataCash3DSecure environment="Test" merchantId="3dsMerchantId" password="3dsPassword" merchantUrl="3dsMerchantUrl" purchaseDescription="3dsPurchaseDescription" />
    <PayPal environment="Test" userId="paypalUserId" password="paypalPassword" signature="paypalSignature" />

If you do this, you simply need to new up the gateway without the configuration class, and you're ready to go:

var gateway = new DataCash3DSecureGateway();


DataCash (MoTo)


var configuration = new DataCashConfiguration(PaymentEnvironment.Test, "merchantId", "password");
var gateway = new DataCashMoToGateway(configuration);
var response = gateway.Payment("your_transaction_reference", 12.99m,
                               new CardDetails
                                       Number = "1000010000000007",
                                       ExpiryDate = "10/15",
                                       Cv2 = "123"

if (response.Status == PaymentStatus.Failed)
    if (response.IsSystemFailure)
        // System failures can indicate issues like a configuration problem
        // eg. "The vTID or password were incorrect"
        throw new Exception(response.FailureMessage);
        // Non-system failure messages can be shown directly to the customer
        // eg. "Transaction was declined by your bank."
    DisplayMessage("Transaction successful! DataCash Reference: {0}", response.TransactionReference);

Refund Transaction

You can refund transactions by providing the DataCash reference of the original transaction to refund, and an amount less than or equal to that original transaction amount, less any refunds already made on it.

var response = gateway.RefundTransaction("original_datacash_reference", 12.99m);

DataCash (3D-Secure)


3D-Secure requires you to provide your site URL and a description of the products you sell.

var configuration = new DataCash3DSecureConfiguration(PaymentEnvironment.Live, "merchantId", "password",
                            "http://yoursite.com", "Description of products you sell");
var gateway = new DataCash3DSecureGateway(configuration);


If the card is not enrolled in 3D-Secure, payment will be authorised immediately. If it is enrolled, you will need to show the 3D-Secure iframe and perform a POST to the URL specified in response.ACSUrl. This POST must include the response.PAReq value provided by Moolah.

var response = gateway.Payment("your_transaction_reference", 12.99m,
                               new CardDetails
                                       Number = "1000010000000007",
                                       ExpiryDate = "10/15",
                                       Cv2 = "123"
if (response.Status == PaymentStatus.Failed)
    if (response.IsSystemFailure)
        // System failures can indicate issues like a configuration problem
        // eg. "The vTID or password were incorrect"
        throw new Exception(response.FailureMessage);
        // Non-system failure messages can be shown directly to the customer
        // eg. "Transaction was declined by your bank."
else if (response.Requires3DSecurePayerVerification)
    // Show 3D-Secure iframe and post the response.PAReq value to response.ACSUrl.
    DisplayMessage("Transaction successful! DataCash Reference: {0}", response.TransactionReference);

Authorising the transaction after 3D-Secure verification

When customer returns to your site after 3D-Secure, you will be provided with a "PARes" value. You will also need the original response.TransactionReference value provided when you called the Payment method.

var response = gateway.Authorise(transactionReference, PARes);
if (response.Status == PaymentStatus.Failed)
    if (response.IsSystemFailure)
        // System failures can indicate issues like a configuration problem
        // eg. "The vTID or password were incorrect"
        throw new Exception(response.FailureMessage);
        // Non-system failure messages can be shown directly to the customer
        // eg. "Transaction was declined by your bank."
    DisplayMessage("Transaction successful! DataCash Reference: {0}", response.TransactionReference);

PayPal Express Checkout


var configuration = new PayPalConfiguration(PaymentEnvironment.Live, "userId", "password", "signature");
var gateway = new PayPalExpressCheckout(configuration);

PayPal Express Checkout button (on basket page)

You must specify where the customer should be returned to if they cancel the process (cancelUrl) or if they complete the checkout (confirmationUrl). You should then redirect the customer to PayPal using the response.RedirectUrl provided.

var cancelUrl = "http://yoursite.com/basket";
var confirmationUrl = "http://yoursite.com/paypalconfirm";
var response = gateway.SetExpressCheckout(12.99m, CurrencyCodeType.GBP, cancelUrl, confirmationUrl);
if (response.Status == PaymentStatus.Failed)
    throw new Exception(response.FailureMessage);

PayPal Express Checkout (Advanced)

You may want to specify more than just the transaction amount to PayPal in order to populate the PayPal checkout and invoices with more useful details, well we support that to.

var response = gateway.SetExpressCheckout(new OrderDetails
        OrderDescription = "Thanks for your order!",
        Items = new[]
                new OrderDetailsItem { Description = "A widget", Quantity = 2, UnitPrice = 1.99m, ItemUrl = "http://mysite.com/product?widget" },
                new OrderDetailsItem { Description = "Widget box", Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = 10m, ItemUrl = "http://mysite.com/product?widgetBox" }
        Discounts = new []
                new DiscountDetails { Description = "Loyalty discount", Amount = -0.99m }
        ShippingTotal = 2m,
        OrderTotal = 14.99m,
        CurrencyCodeType = CurrencyCodeType.GBP
    }, cancelUrl, confirmationUrl);

Confirmation page

The customer is returned to the confirmationUrl you specified, to confirm payment.
PayPal will add 2 query string parameters for you, PayerID and token.
These values must be used when retrieving customer details, or performing the payment.

GetExpressCheckoutDetails will give you the customer details, including delivery address. DoExpressCheckoutPayment will perform the PayPal payment.

var checkoutDetails = gateway.GetExpressCheckoutDetails(Request["token"]);

var response = gateway.DoExpressCheckoutPayment(12.99m, CurrencyCodeType.GBP, Request["token"], Request["PayerID"]);
if (response.Status == PaymentStatus.Failed)
    if (response.IsSystemFailure)
        // System failures can indicate issues like a configuration problem
        throw new Exception(response.FailureMessage);
        // Non-system failure messages can be shown directly to the customer
    DisplayMessage("Transaction successful! PayPal Reference: {0}", response.TransactionReference);

Recurring payments

PayPal provides the ability to subscriptions and other payments that happen on a fixed schedule. See PayPal's recurring payments documentation for more details.

In order to setup a recurring payment using Moolah, you should follow the same example above, except you need to setup a billing agreement for the items that will be included in recurring payments, then create a recurring payments profile.

Setup billing agreement

Billing agreements can be setup by specifying IsRecurringPayment = true on each OrderDetailsItem included when calling SetExpressCheckout:

var response = gateway.SetExpressCheckout(new OrderDetails
        // ... other order details ... //
        Items = new[]
                new OrderDetailsItem 
                    Description = "A widget", 
                    Quantity = 2, 
                    UnitPrice = 1.99m, 
                    ItemUrl = "http://mysite.com/product?widget",
                    IsRecurringPayment = true
    }, cancelUrl, confirmationUrl);
Create recurring payments profile

The recurring payments profile ensures the billing agreement is then paid on a regular basis. You create this profile by calling CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile after you have already called DoExpressCheckoutPayment. For example:

var checkoutDetails = gateway.GetExpressCheckoutDetails(Request["token"]);

var response = gateway.DoExpressCheckoutPayment(12.99m, CurrencyCodeType.GBP, Request["token"], Request["PayerID"]);
if (response.Status == PaymentStatus.Failed)
    if (response.IsSystemFailure)
        // System failures can indicate issues like a configuration problem
        throw new Exception(response.FailureMessage);
        // Non-system failure messages can be shown directly to the customer
    // Create recurring payments profile
    var recurringPaymentsResponse = gateway.CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile(new RecurringProfile
            Description = "Profile description",
            BillingPeriod = RecurringPeriod.Month,
            BillingFrequency = 1,
            Amount = 12.99m,
            StartDate = DateTime.Today
        }, Request["token"]);

NOTE: The PayPal (and Moolah) recurring payments API is a little confusing. I would strongly suggest you read through PayPal's documentation carefully before implementing recurring payments. Happy to receive some more pull requests to improve this area!