davidezanella / DS2-GossipingAppendOnlyLogs

Second assignment of DS2 2020-2021
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Gossiping with Append-Only Logs in Secure-Scuttlebutt

This project implements the gossiping with append-only logs in secure-scuttlebutt, as specified in the assigned paper


Optionally, for running the plotting scripts:


You have two ways to do it; first one:

  1. Download the installer.jar file from this link
  2. Execute it (java -jar installer.jar) and follow the installation wizard
  3. Run the start_model.bat or start_model.command file

Second one:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Import the project as Repast Project into Eclipse
  3. Run the simulator

Simulator parameters

Plotting scripts parameters


Simple script that plots the number of events created during the simulation.


Simple script that plots the number of events delivered during the simulation.


Script that plots the number of time each event has been delivered during the simulation.


Script that plots the latency of the different events during the simulation.


Script that plots the 3d graph of LAN/Persons/Latency.



Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Erick Lavoie, and Christian Tschudin. 2020.Gossiping with Append-Only Logs in Secure-Scuttlebutt. In1stInternational Workshop on Distributed Infrastructure for CommonGood (DICG’20), December 7–11, 2020, Delft, Netherlands.ACM, NewYork, NY, USA, 6 pages.