application | View |
Deploy an EKS cluster using Terraform | README |
Istio ingress gateway and secure service mesh | README |
Argo CD | README |
Argo events | README |
Argo workflows | README |
Prometheus and Grafana | Installed from Helm charts using Argo CD |
MLflow | README |
minio artifact storage | README |
ngrok | README |
task-tracker app (MERN stack demo) | README |
sealed-secrets | Installed from Helm charts using Argo CD |
Seldon-core | Installed from Helm charts using Argo CD |
kubernetes version has to be less than 1.25 for seldon to work
kind create cluster --name kind-cluster --config kind.yaml --wait 5m
To delete the cluster:
kind delete cluster --name kind-cluster
When you run kubectl api-versions | grep beta
you will see that autoscaling/v2beta1
is there and seldon won't complain.
In a different project folder, clone the repo which has our ArgoCD project and application manifests
git clone
Install projects and apps
kubectl apply -f projects.yaml
kubectl apply -f apps.yaml
Inside terraform-argocd/applications/argo-workflows/overlays/workflows/
commit and push to github repo so argocd can manage sealedsecrets deployment. You need to add a .env file containing github access token
The following screenshot shows the applications that argocd has deployed into our EKS cluster either from our own kustomize application manifests or third-party helm charts.
create argo-artifacts bucket called my-bucket
create PVC by applying applications/argo-workflows/overlays/workflows/models/wine/base/pvc.yaml
in workflows namespace
argo submit -n workflows --watch train.yaml
kubectl get sdep -n workflows
kubectl -n workflows get sdep seldon-deployment-deploy-wine-clf-hhrxn -o json | jq .status
Locally we can port-forward to the istio-ingressgateway service and send requests to that:
kubectl port-forward -n istio-system svc/istio-ingressgateway 8080:80
Send requests to our prediction service
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"data": { "ndarray": [[1,2,3,4,5]]}}' \
kubectl port-forward service/mlflow-tracking-server 5555:5000 -n mlflow
The ingress object has a backend that points to istio-ingressgateway. Apply the object to the istio-system namespace:
kubectl apply -f istio-1-15/istio-resources/ingress.yaml -n istio-system
The AWS ALB Ingress Controller will create a TargetGroup to be used with the ALB The Gateway and VirtualService that will configure Envoy of the Istio Ingress Gateway to route traffic to the service of the application.
Note this should be automated using Crossplane
Please see MLOps.pdf for a full explanation of this platform and the problems it solves