davidfox87 / eks-terraform-tfjob-katib-argo

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Tuning and Training Tensorflow/Keras Deep Learning Models using Kubeflow/TFJob and Kubeflow/Katib on Kubernetes clusters

This repo shows how to train a model on CPU instances in a Kubernetes cluster by using Kubeflow/TFJob training operator and Kubeflow/Katib and a Deep Learning Container.

TFJob is the Kubeflow implementation of Kubernetes custom resource that is used to run (distributed) TensorFlow training jobs on Kubernetes.

Katib is a Kubernetes-native project for automated machine learning (AutoML). Katib supports Hyperparameter Tuning, Early Stopping and Neural Architecture Search.

This tutorial guides you through tuning and training a classification model on the MNIST dataset with Keras in a single node CPU instance running containerized training modules (Keras framework).

This work forms the first step in building out training and inference workflows with Argo.

  1. Create Kind cluster with Kubernetes v1.25.2

    kind create cluster --config kind-config.yaml
    echo -e "\nKind cluster has been created\n"
  2. Set context for kubectl

    kubectl config use-context kind-kind
  3. set up minio and create bucket for argo workflows

    kustomize build | kubectl apply -f -
    kubectl port-forward svc/minio 9999:9001
  4. Training Operators Deploy TFJob operator standalone

    kubectl apply -k "github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/manifests/overlays/standalone?ref=v1.5.0"
  5. Hyperparameter Tuning Deploy Katib standalone components.

    echo -e "\nDeploying Katib components\n"
    kubectl apply -k "github.com/kubeflow/katib.git/manifests/v1beta1/installs/katib-standalone?ref=master"
  6. Containerize the MNIST classifier code. Build and push the docker image to ECR by running ./build-and-push.sh in the the mnist folder.

  7. To start training, deploy the TFJob configuration file using kubectl.

    kubectl apply -f pv.yaml
    kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml
    kubectl apply -f tf-job.yaml
  8. Watch the training process

    kubectl describe tfjob tensorflow-training
    kubectl logs --follow tensorflow-training-worker-0
    kubectl logs po/tensorflow-training-worker-0
  9. To remove the TFJob and associated pods

    kubectl delete tfjob tensorflow-training
  10. Get a shell to the container

    kubectl exec --stdin --tty tensorflow-training-worker-0 -- /bin/bash
  11. Run Katib Experiment Create Hyperparameter Tuning Katib Experiment with random search algorithm using kubectl:

    kubectl create -f example2.yaml 

The Experiment runs twelve training jobs (Trials) and tunes the following hyperparameters:

Learning Rate (lr).
Batch size (batch-size).

After creating above example, check the Experiment status:

$ kubectl get experiment tfjob-mnist -n kubeflow

Check the Suggestion status:

$ kubectl get suggestion -n kubeflow

Check the Trials statuses:

$ kubectl get trial -n kubeflow

To see the logs of each trial:

kubectl logs --follow  random-example-2rmwkwx6-hkdwb -n kubeflow -c metrics-logger-and-collector

You can get the best hyperparameters with the following command:

$ kubectl get experiment tfjob-mnist -n kubeflow -o jsonpath='{range .status.currentOptimalTrial.parameterAssignments[*]}{.name}: {.value}{"\n"}{end}'

learning_rate: 0.03786431590246644
batch_size: 1

Port-forward to the katib UI

kubectl port-forward svc/katib-ui  8080:80 -n kubeflow
xdg-open http://localhost:8080/katib

View the active experiments in the UI


View the hyperparameter tuning experiment results


View the hyperparameter tuning experiment details


Using Argo workflows with Katib

  1. Install Argo workflows
    kubectl create namespace argo
    kubectl apply -n argo -f https://github.com/argoproj/argo-workflows/releases/download/v3.1.3/install.yaml

terraform output -json | jq -r .kubeconfig.value >> .kubeconfig

artifacts: paths: .kubeconfig