davidgmorais / mais

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Multimodal Authentication Integration System (MAIS)

Project developed in the scope of the course of biometrics in University of Aveiro 2021/22


The goal of the project is to develop a multimodal system that consists of:

In order to implement the project, we will use the Raspberry Pi platform, more specifically the 4B model.

During the first milestone of the project some issues in regard to both the Raspberry Pi and the fingerprint reader occurred, so the goals of the project were altered. The main goal of the project still was to develop a multimodal authentication system that consisted of:

Hence, the project shifted to a more localized approach using the built-in hardware available in the laptops themselves.

Bookmarked links



93147 David Morais

106722 Emanuel Krzysztoń

105428 Gerson Carlos Marques Catito


MAIS is available for Linux distros, and depends on an MySQL database for persistent data storage, which can be used through the docker-compose.yml present in the directory ./databaseof the project or through a local installation of it.


Setting up

  1. Either clone or download the project repository locally
  2. In the project root directory create and activate a virtual environment:
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate

Install the requirements

  1. Install the requirements in the virtual environment through the requirements.txt file:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Configure and run the database

  1. On the root folder, open the directory ./database where the database docker-compose file is located:
  2. Build and run the database using docker-compose:
    docker-compose up -d --build

    Note: For subsequent uses, and after the image has been built, to restart the docker container you may simply run:

    docker-compose up -d

Alternative to docker-compose

Without docker, a MySQL database should be created instead, using the credentials present in the docker-compose.yml and with the schema shown in the file mais.sql, both available in the database directory.


To run the system using the GUI, in the root directory of the project, just run

python3 mais.py

In order to grant admin privileges to a user, first register a user using the GUI, close the program and run

python3 mais.py createadmin [EMAIL]

where EMAIL is replaced by the email with which an account was created.

To remove admin privileges, run

python3 mais.py removeadmin [EMAIL]

once again, where EMAIL is replaced with the email of an existing account.